Page 304 - Life of Gertrude Bell
P. 304
278 NOTES TO PAGES 117-3 3
”7 Coronation of King George V, VC, CEB.
117 Chirol, VC, CEB, Who's Who.
118 Florence Lasccllcs, CEB.
118 Maurice Bell, CEB.
118 Hugo, see Hugh Lowthian Bell by FB and Elsa Richmond.
118 Women’s movement, VC.
118 Turkey, VC.
118 Doughty-Wylie, Army List, Who's Who.
IJ9 Armenian massacres. First occurred in 1895. See Kinross,
The Ottoman Centuries. Also see article ‘Gertrude Bell* by
Seton Dearden, Cornhill Magazine, Winter 1969-70.
120 Gertrude in London, UBL May 1912.
121 Doughty-Wylie/GLB correspondence. University Library,
N. upon T. This correspondence is separate from the main
body of GLB letters. There are some 90 letters from him to
her in typescript, from 1913 to 1915, the first dated Aug.
15 th 1913; and nine from her to him. They are marked in
her hand ‘D’s letters’. The correspondence is summarised
in the article by Mr Seton Dearden, op. cit.
14 Hail
126 Cox’s views, BL p. 409 et seq. See also Winstone, Captain
Shakespcar, about restrictions on travel in central Arabia.
127 Voyage to Alexandria on s.s. Lotus, UBL to FB dated Nov.
14th, contains remark: ‘I had a girl in my sleeper who is
going to be married to a man called Shakespear in Calcutta.
I know about his brother; he is a very able man in the
Persian Gulf.’ Wording suggests that she did not at that
time know that Captain Shakespear had been given per
mission to cross Arabia at almost the same time.
128 Correspondence with Doughty-Wylie, UBL, and ‘Gertrude
Bell’ by Seton Dearden.
129 Chirol, VC, CEB.
129 Journey to Hail. See Gertrude’s brief account in GJ Vol. 44>
July 1914, pp. 76-7, and detailed description by Hogarth,
GJ Vol. 70, No. 1, July 1927.
130-3 Letters, BL, VC.
132 Doughty-Wylie, loc. cit.
133 Mallet, CEB.
133 Desert routes, earlier travellers. See Lloyd, Banned Cities oj
Iraq and preface by Woolley. Also, Freeth and Winstone,
Explorers of Arabia.