Page 135 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
P. 135

                  map of the existing Concession. In accordance with the spirit of co-operation
                  between Your Excellency and this Company we would now ask Your Excellency
                  to agree that P. D. Qatar Limited shall have the option exercisable at any time
                  during the life of the existing Concession by notice in writing to be granted:
                      (r/) a convention over all lands including islands and submerged lands (other
                            than submerged lands beyond the limits of territorial waters) which at
                            the dale of the notice referred to above are part of the territories ruled
                            by Your Excellency but which arc not already included in the Com­
                            pany's agreements, the terms of such convention to be agreed as soon
                            as possible alter the said notice and to be reasonable according to
                            conditions prevailing at the time, and
                      (b) a convention on similar terms as in paragraph (</) above granting to the
                            Company all oil rights Your Excellency may possess at the date of the
                            notice referred to above in your own right or co-ownership in or over
                            areas (other than submarine areas beyond territorial waters) which are
                            not part of the territories ruled by Your Excellency.
                      Your Excellency shall have the right by giving notice in writing to the
                  Company to call upon the Company within 60 days of receipt of such notice to
                  exercise or relinquish its option in respect of any area referred to above and
                  specified in such notice.
                      We shall be glad if Your Excellency will confirm the above understandings.


                  Letter, dated September 1, 1952, from the Ruler of Qatar, Replying to (c) Above
                      1 refer to your letter X2 of to-day's date.
                      I reciprocate the spirit of co-operation expressed in your letter. I shall always
                  be glad to consider any proposals your Company may wish to make for a concession
                  over the areas to which you refer. 1 therefore do not think that there is any need
                  for a formal option along the lines you suggest. You can, however, rest assured
                  that I will not enter into negotiations with any other Company without first giving
                  your Company the opportunity of concluding a convention with me on terms that
                  are to our mutual interests having regard to the circumstances prevailing at the time.

                  Letter, dated September 1, 1952, from Petroleum Development (Qatar) Limited, to
                        the Ruler of Qatar, regarding the quantities of petrol and kerosene to be
                        supplied free annually to the Ruler
                      With reference to Your Excellency’s request that the Company should increase
                  the quantity of free petrol which it has been supplying to Your Excellency under
                  paragraph 4 of one of the letters dated 17th May, 1935, and reduce the quantity of
                  kerosene by a corresponding amount, we write to confirm that we shall be glad to
                  provide you from to-day’s date free of charge with the following annual
                  quantities: —
                          40.000  gallons of petrol    per annum.
                          20.000   „   „ kerosene  }


                 Letter, dated September 1, 1952, from the Ruler of Qatar replying to (e) above
                      I refer to your letter X 3 of to-day’s date.
                      I appreciate your Company's willingness to accede to the request made on
                 my behalf during the negotiations for the agreement which we have to-day
                 concluded that I should be supplied with the petrol and kerosene referred to in your
                 letter free of charge in lieu of the quantities previously supplied.
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