Page 16 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
P. 16
V. Free importation of all material, apparatus, and machinery of every kind
necessary for the work carried out by the Company, including office requirements,
but not including personal requirements of employees.
VI. All protection in the Shaikh’s power from theft, highway robbery,
assault, wilful damage, and destruction, but all guards required by the Company
shall be paid for by the Company.
VII. An extension of the period of the licence if the Company are prevented
by causes beyond their control from carrying out the work of exploration, the
length of such extension to be fixed by agreement between the parties or failing
such agreement by the Resident in the Persian Gulf.
Privileges to be enjoyed by the Company under the Prospecting Licence
I. Free access for their agents and servants necessarily employed by the latter
to all parts of the territory under the control of the Shaikh whether private or
public property, saving only sacred buildings, shrines, and graveyards.
II. The right to carry out in any part of the said territory such works as may
be necessary for the purpose of prospecting. If this work is carried out on
uncultivated land the Company shall not be bound to make any payment to the
owner of the land, but shall restore the land as far as possible to its previous state
unless it is covered by a mining lease subsequently granted. If it is carried out on
cultivated land the Company shall pay a rent for the land occupied.
All borings abandoned by the Company which have produced water in
valuable quantity shall be left intact with the casing in position, and shall be sealed
with a suitable valve.
III. Free use of water, for their agents and servants.
IV. Free use of fuel lying on land the property of the Shaikh for the same.
V. The right to purchase fuel and food supplies of every kind for man and
beast, being the private property of the Shaikh’s subjects, at current market rates,
which rate in default of agreement between the parties shall be fixed by the Shaikh
or his agents, subject to the right of the Company to appeal to the British Political
Agent at Bahrein if they find it necessary.
VI. Free importation of all material, apparatus, and machinery, of every kind
necessary for the work carried out by the Company, including office requirements,
but not including the personal requirements of employees.
VII. All protection in the Shaikh’s power from theft, highway robbery,
assault, wilful damage, and destruction, but all guards required by the Company
shall be paid for by the Company.
VIII. An extension of the period of the licence if the Company are pre
vented by causes beyond their control from carrying out the work of prospecting,
the length of such extension to be fixed by agreement between the parties or failing
such agreement by the Resident in the Persian Gulf.
+X. Tb© le **4h «|» I© 100 »©«k ef ©O' I* ee ©I pey-ment- h»4 leplbef -pumtitiea el
©« peyroem el ri»e reveUv pe? lee pFevi4©& ie lb© teieveg lease. b»fe ©h eettdiliea ibn* lb*
b^erepeay ebnll apply lev a mmmg lease in eeapMel el eaeb afea la wbieb w«fb is pyooeetbag
ae seee ha mere fbaa 100 Ihh* el wU af© w«» !*>©«* e»e s+agle bet'© bele wii-bi© it.
IX. The right to win up to 100 tons of oil free of payment and further
quantities of oil on payment of a royalty of Rs. 3. 8. 0 per ton of net crude oil got
and saved (i.e., after deducting water and foreign substances and oil required for
the customary operations of the Company’s installations in the Shaikh’s
tIXa. For the purposes of such royalty payments the Company shall
measure by a method customarily used in good oilfield practice all crude oil won
and saved and the Shaikh by his Representative duly authorised by the Political
Resident in the Persian Gulf shall have the right to examine such measuring and to
examine and test whatever appliances may be used for such measuring. If upon
such examination or testing any such appliance shall be found to be out of order the
Shaikh may require that the same be put in order by and at the exDense of the
* Substituted for original Article IX under terms of Indenture of February 15. 1933 (repro
duced as (b) on page 19).
t Added under provisions of Indenture of February 15. 1933 ((b) on page 19).