Page 12 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
P. 12


                                    Kalba Oil Concession
         No. 11.—Concession Agreement between Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast)
              Limited, and the Regent of Kalba, dated December 20. 1938 ...   .............  207
              (а)  Letter, dated December 29, 1938, from Petroleum Development (Trucial
                   Coast) Limited, to the Regent of Kalba, requesting him to confirm that his
                   signature of the Concession Agreement includes the present Ruler of
                   Kalba and any future Ruler...................................................................  211
              (б)  Letter, dated January 2, 1939, from the Regent of Kalba to Petroleum
                   Development (Trucial Coast) Limited, giving the confirmation asked for
                   in (a) above ........................................................................................  212
              (c)  Extract from a Letter, dated May 7, 1952, from the Political Agent, Trucial
                   Stales, to the Ruler of Sharjah, conveying Her Majesty’s Government’s
                   recognition of the rcincorporation of Kalba within the territory of Sharjah
                   and requesting his acceptance of all obligations accepted by the former
                   Regent of Kalba in the Concession Agreement of December 20. 1938  ...  212
              (d)  Letter, dated May 8. 1952, from the Ruler of Sharjah to the Political Agent,
                   Trucial Slates, replying to (c) above and giving the required assurances ...  212
         No. 12.—Political Agreement between His Majesty’s Government and Petroleum
              Development (Trucial Coast) Limited, relating to the Kalba Oil Concession,
              dated April 11, 1940  .........................................................................................  212

                                    Ajman Oil Concession
         No. 13.—Oil Concession Agreement between Petroleum Concessions Limited, and the
              Ruler of Ajman, dated January 31, 1951  .........................................................  215
         No. 14.—Political Agreement between His Majesty’s Government and Petroleum Con­
              cessions Limited, relating to the Ajman Oil Concession Agreement (No. 13)
              above, dated July 17, 1951   ........................ ..............................................  222
              (а)  Letter, dated September 22, 1951, from the Political Officer, Trucial States,
                   to the Ruler of Ajman, forwarding a copy of the Political Agreement and
                   requesting him to agree to consult His Majesty’s Government before
                   terminating the concession and before entering into negotiations with
                  a bank ...................................................................................................  224
              (б)  Letter, dated July 14. 1953. from the Ruler of Ajman to the Political Officer
                  Trucial States, giving the confirmation asked for in (a) above .............  225

                                Umm-Al-Qaiwain Oil Concession
         No. 15.—Concession Agreement between Petroleum Concessions Limited, and the Ruler
              of Umm-Al-Qaiwain, dated March 20, 1945   ..............................................  225
              (a)  Written Statement by the Ruler of Umm-Al-Qaiwain, dated November 16.
                   1951, confirming that the terms of the 1945 Agreement include the sea-bed
                  in the territory of Umm-Al-Qaiwain ...   .............  .............  232
              (b)  Letter, dated November 16. 1951, from Petroleum Concessions Limited, to
                  the Ruler of Umm-Al-Qaiwain, informing him of the Company’s decision
                  to increase the yearly amount paid to him under Article 5 (c) of the
                  1945 Concession Agreement...................................................................  232
         No. 16.—Political Agreement between His Majesty’s Government and Petroleum Con­
              cessions Limited, relating to the Umm-Al-Qaiwain Concession Agreement of
              March 20, 1945, dated January 29, 1946   .........................................................  233
              (a)  Letter, dated January 23, 1946, from the Political Agent, Bahrain, to the
                  Ruler of Umm-Al-Qaiwain requesting him to agree to obtain His Majesty’s
                  Government’s approval before entering into negotiations with a bank ...  235
              (b)  Letter, dated January 31, 1946, from the Ruler of Umm-Al-Qaiwain to the
                  Political Agent, Bahrain, agreeing to the request made in (a) above ...  235

                                Ras-Al-Khaiinah Oil Concession
         No. 17.—Concession Agreement between Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast)
             Limited, and the Ruler of Ras-Al-Khaimah, dated June 21, 1945 ........................  235
             (а)  Written Statement by the Ruler of Ras-Al-Khaimah, dated August 26. 1952,
                  confirming that the terms of the 1945 Agreement include the sea-bed
                  in the territory of Ras-Al-Khaimah.........................................................  242
             (б)  Letter, dated August 26, 1952, from Petroleum Concessions Limited, to the
                  Ruler of Ras-Al Khaimah informing him of the company’s decision to
                  increase the yearly amount paid to him under Article 5(c) of the 1945
                  Concession Agreement   ...................................................................  243
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