Page 7 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
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(b) Letter, dated July 6. 1940, from the Political Agent. Bahrain, to the Ruler
of Bahrain informing the latter of the signature of the Political Agreement
and requesting confirmation of his acceptance of the arrangements
contained in it................................................... 40
(c) Letter, dated July 17. 1940, from the Ruler of Bahrain to the Political Agent.
Bahrain, agreeing to the conditions set out in (b) above and undertaking
to be guided by His Majesty’s Government’s advice in exercising his
right of termination of the concession ....................................... 41
No. 4—Supplementary Agreement between the Ruler of Bahrain and the Bahrein
Petroleum Company extending to December 24, 2024, the Lease of Decem
ber 29, 1934, and amending and supplementing the provisions contained in it and
in the two Deeds of Modification of June 3. 1936, and June 19, 1940, relating
to (i) payment for the importation of crude oil into Bahrain, (ii) compensation for
the Ruler in the event of the suspension of operations by the Company and
(iii) yearly quantities of petrol to be supplied free of charge by the Company
to the Bahrain Government, dated December 8, 1952 ... ............................ 41
(a) Letter, dated December 8, 1952, from the Bahrein Petroleum Company to
the Ruler of Bahrain requesting the latter’s acceptance of the arrange
ments made with regard to the sale price of crude oil produced from
the Bahrain Oil Concession with endorsement conveying the Ruler’s
acceptance ....................................... ............... ............... 43
(b) Letter, dated December 8, 1952, from the Bahrein Petroleum Company to the
Ruler of Bahrain informing the latter of the suspension on, and after
January 1, 1952, of monthly payments of 5 million Rupees made to him
by the Company, in accordance with their letter of June 28, 1951
(No. 2 (g) above) with endorsement conveying the Ruler’s acceptance ... 43
(c) Letter, dated December 8, 1952, from the Bahrein Petroleum Company to the
Ruler of Bahrain, assuring the latter of the Company’s willingness to revise
the situation, in the event of other oil-producing States in the Persian
Gulf receiving better terms than Bahrain ................................................... 44
(</) Letter, dated December 16, 1952, from the Bahrein Petroleum Company to
the Ruler of Bahrain submitting to the income tax imposed by the Ruler’s
Decree of December 6, 1952,* on the understanding that all other pro
visions of the 1934 Mining Lease arc to remain in effect........................... 44
(e) Letter, dated December 16, 1952, from the Bahrein Petroleum Company to
the Ruler of Bahrain, agreeing to refer to arbitration any dispute arising
over the Tax Decree mentioned at (d) above, and to pay regularly the
Company’s yearly Income Tax, as fixed under the same decree*............... 44
(/) Letter, dated December 16, 1952, from the Bahrein Petroleum Company to
the Ruler of Bahrain confirming that, in its computation of income tax
liability, no deductions will be made by the Company as a result of any
monetary judgments that might result from the United States Govern
ment's investigation into oil-cartels ............................................................... 45
A.—Kuwait Proper
No. 1.—Concession Agreement between the Kuwait Oil Company and the Ruler of
Kuwait, dated December 23, 1934 ........................................................................... 46
(a) Letter, dated November 22. 1951. from the Ruler of Kuwait to the Kuwait
Oil Company agreeing to the assignment to the Gulf Kuwait Company by
the Kuwait Oil Company of one-half of the Concession granted to the
latter on December 23, 1934 ........................................................................... 53
(b) Agreement, dated November 30, 1951, between the Kuwait Oil Company and
the Gulf Kuwait Company assigning one-half of the Concession to the
Gulf Kuwait Company ........................................................................... 53
(c) Agreement, dated December 30. 1951, for the amendment of the 1934
Concession signed by the D’Arcy Kuwait Company, the Gulf Kuwait
Company and the Ruler of Kuwait............................................................... 54
(d) Letter, dated December 30. 1951, from the D’Arcy Kuwait Company and
the Gulf Kuwait Company to the Ruler of Kuwait enclosing a copy of
Schedule No. 2. entitled “ Explanation of the present and contemplated
future marketing of crude oil produced in Kuwait.” and setting forth
certain modifications to it. with endorsement conveying the Ruler’s
acceptance ....................................................................................................
(e) Admission, dated December 30. 1951, by the D’Arcy Kuwait Company and
the Gulf Kuwait Company of liability to income tax under the Rulers
Decree of December 29, 19511
• See Bahrain Queen’s Regulation No. 4 of 1952.
f See Kuwait King’s Regulation No. 3 of 1951.