Page 8 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
P. 8
(J) Lclier, dated December 30, 1951, from the D'Arcy Kuwait Company and
the Kuwait Oil Company to the Ruler of Kuwait confirming the procedure
to be followed in the event of arbitration under Article 12 of the Ruler’s
Decree of December 29, 1951,* with endorsement conveying the Ruler’s
acceptance ....................................................................................... 59
No. 2.—Political Agreement between His Majesty’s Government and the Kuwait
Oil Company, relating to the Kuwait Oil Concession, dated March 5, 1934 ... 60
(a) Letter, dated April 13, 1934, from the Ruler of Kuwait to the Political
Agent, Kuwait, accepting the terms of the Political Agreement of
March 5, 1934 ....................................................................................... 63
(b) Letter, dated May 23, 1934, from the Political Agent, Kuwait, to the Ruler
of Kuwait, proposing certain arrangements under the Political Agreement
of March 5, 1934 ................................................... ............... 63
(c) Letter, dated May 26. 1934, from the Ruler of Kuwait to the Political Agent,
Kuwait, accepting the arrangements proposed in (b) above ............... 64
(</) Letter, dated July 24. 1934, from the India Office to the Kuwait Oil Company,
enclosing copies of the letters at (b) and (c) above, and requesting
reaffirmation of the acceptance by the Company of the proposals made in
(b) above .................................................................................................... 64
(c) Letter, dated August 11. 1934, from the Kuwait Oil Company conveying the
reaffirmation in reply to (</) above............................................................... 65
No. 3.—Political Agreement between Her Majesty’s Government and the D’Arcy
Kuwait Company replacing the Political Agreement of March 5, 1934, with the
Kuwait Oil Company (No. 2 above), dated December 11, 1952 ........................... 65
(o) Letter, dated January 6, 1953. from the Kuwait Oil Company to the D’Arcy
Kuwait Company accepting the terms of the Political Agreement (at
No. 3 above) .................................................................................................... 69
No. 4.—Political Agreement between Her Majesty’s Government and the Gulf Kuwait
Company replacing the Political Agreement of March 5, 1934, with the Kuwait
Oil Company (No. 2 above), dated December 11, 1952 ....................................... 69
(a) Letter, dated December 11. 1952. from the Gulf Kuwait Company to the
Undcr-Sccrctaj7 of Slate for Foreign Affairs confirming the acceptance
by the Kuwait Oil Company of the terms of the Political Agreement
(No. 4 above) .................................................................................................... 71
(b) Letter, dated April 1, 1953, from the Political Agent, Kuwait, to the Ruler of
Kuwait forwarding a copy of the Political Agreements (Nos. 3 and 4
above) and requesting the Ruler’s confirmation that the arrangements
contained in the 1934 exchange of letters (No. 2 (b) and (c)) wilf remain
in force under the new Political Agreement....................................... 71
(c) Letter, dated August 10, 1953. from the Ruler of Kuwait to the Political
Agent, Kuwait, approving the terms of the Political Agreements between
Her Majesty’s Government and the D’Arcy Kuwait Company, and the
Gulf Kuwait Company (Nos. 3 and 4 above) ....................................... 72
B.—Kuwait Neutral Zone
No. 5.—Concession Agreement between the Ruler of Kuwait and the American Inde
pendent Oil Company, dated June 28, 1948 .................................................... 72
No. 6.—Political Agreement between His Majesty’s Government and the American
Independent Oil Company regarding the Neutral Zone Oil Concession Agreement
(No. 5 above), dated June 26, 1948 ............................................................................ 80
(a) Letter, dated February 24. 1953, from the American Independent Oil
Company to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs containing agree
ment to certain undertakings requested by Her Majesty’s Government
in connection with a proposed Supplementary Agreement between the
above-named Company and the Ruler of Kuwait redefining the seaward
limits of the offshore area included in the Concession Agreement of
June 28, 1948 (No. 5 above)................................................... ~ ... 82
(b) Letter, dated February 24, 1953. from the Secretary of Slate for Foreign
Affairs to the American Independent Oil Company acknowledging receipt
of (n) above approving the proposed Supplementary Agreement and
setting forth the principles adopted for the delimitation ” of territorial
waters .................................................................................................... 83
No. 7.—Concession Agreement signed on February 20, 1949. between the Saudi Arabian
Government and the Pacific Western Oil Corporation, relating to the Neutral
Zone ............................................................................................................................ 84
C.—The Islands of Kubbar, Qaru and Umm-al-Maradim
No. 8.—Agreement between the Ruler of Kuwait and the American Independent Oil
Company, dated September 22, 1949 ................................................................ 99
No. 9.—Political Agreement between His Majesty’s Government and the American
Independent Oil Company relating to No. 8 above, dated September 21, 1949 lOfc
• Sec Kuwait King’s Regulation No. 3 of 1951.