Page 10 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
P. 10

              (A.) Letter, dated March 25, 1954, from the Qatar Petroleum Company Limited
                  to the Ruler of Qatar undertaking to observe certain arrangements in the
                  computation of its income under the Qatar Income Tax Decree*  133
              (/) Letter, dated March 28, 1954. from the Ruler of Qatar to the Qatar Petroleum
                  Company Limited agreeing to the arrangements in (k) above ...............  133

                                  Qatar Oil-shore Concession
         No. 6.—Concession Agreement between Shell Overseas Exploration Company and
              the Ruler of Qatar, dated November 29. 1952   ...................................................  134
              (a)  Letter, dated November 29, 1952, from Shell Overseas Exploration Company
                  to the Ruler of Qatar giving some undertakings additional to the Agree­
                  ment (No. 6) above and requesting the Ruler’s written acceptance of them 144
              (b)  Letter, dated November 29, 1952, from Shell Overseas Exploration Company
                  to the Ruler of Qatar regarding payments to be made to the latter under
                  the Concession Agreement ...........................................................................  145
              (c)  Letter, dated November 29. 1952, from Shell Overseas Exploration Company
                  to the representative of the Ruler of Qatar, stating that in accordance
                  with the terms of the Concession Agreement all the personnel, staff and
                  equipment of the Company would be transferred from Bahrain to Dohah
                  by June 30. 1953   .......................................................................................  145
              (d)  Letter, dated March 25, 1954, from Shell Overseas Exploration Company to
                  the Ruler of Qatar about computation of income for the purposes of the
                  Qatar Income Tax Decree*...........................................................................  146
              (e)  Letter, dated March 28. 1954, from the Ruler of Qatar to Shell Overseas
                  Exploration Company replying to (d) above .......................................  146
         No. 7.—Political Agreement between Her Majesty’s Government and Shell Overseas
              Exploration Company Limited, relating to the off-shore oil Concession Agree­
              ment of November 29, 1952 (No. 6 above), dated December 15. 1952   ...............  146
              (a) Letter, dated December 22. 1953, from the Political Resident in the Persian
                   Gulf to the Ruler of Qatar on the subject of the Political Agreement ...   149

                                        PART IV
                                    TRUCIAL STATES
                                 Abu Dhabi Oil Concesssion
         No. 1.—Concession Agreement between Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast)
             Limited, and the Ruler of Abu Dhabi, dated January 11, 1939   ...........................  151
         No. 2.—Political Agreement between His Majesty’s Government and Petroleum
             Development (Trucial Coast) Limited, relating to the Abu Dhabi Oil Concession
             (No. 1) above, dated April 11, 1940 ............................................................................  155
                                Abu Dhabi Off-shore Concession
         No. 3.—Concession Agreement between the Ruler of Abu Dhabi and D’Arcy Explora­
             tion Company, dated March 9, 1953 ............................................................................  158
             (а)  Letter, dated March 9. 1953, from D’Arcy Exploration Company to the Ruler
                  of Abu Dhabi regarding payments to be made to the latter under the
                  Concession Agreement (No. 3) above ...................................................  164
             (б) Letter, dated March 9. 1953, from D’Arcy Exploration Company to the three
                  representatives of the Ruler of Abu Dhabi, setting out their specific
                  functions under the Concession Agreement as agents of the Ruler and
                  stating the annual payments to be made to them ...........................  165
         No. 4.—Political Agreement between Her Majesty’s Government and D’Arcy Explora­
             tion Company, regarding the off-shore oil Concession Agreement with the Ruler
             of Abu Dhabi, dated March 31. 1953   ................................................................  165
             (а)  Letter, dated June 16, 1953, from D’Arcy Exploration Company to the Under­
                  secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, requesting the latter’s agreement on
                  three specific points arising under the Political Agreement (No. 4) above  169
             (б)  Letter, dated July 16, 1953, from the Foreign Office replying to (a) above
                  and containing the required agreement ....................................................  169
             (c)  Letter, dated December 2, 1950, from the Political Agent, Bahrain, to the
                  Ruler of Abu Dhabi, requesting the latter’s acceptance of the Political
                  Agreement relating to the Superior Oil Company’s concession which was
                  terminated in 1952   ........................................................................................  170
             (d)  Letter, dated March 9. 1953, from the Ruler of Abu Dhabi to the Political
                  Officer. Trucial Coast, conveying his acceptance of the conditions men­
                  tioned in (c) above in respect of No. 4 above .......................................  170
                            • See Qatar Queen’s Regulation No. 1 of 1954.
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