Page 6 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
P. 6

                               MUSCAT AND OMAN
                                       PART I
        No. 1.—Concession Agreement between the Eastern and General Syndicate Limited
             and the Ruler of Bahrain, dated December 2, 1925—(as revised up to
             January 12, 1934)   .........................................................................................  11
             (а)  Indenture No. 1, dated June 12, 1930, between the Eastern and General
                  Syndicate Limited and the Ruler of Bahrain prolonging till Decem­
                  ber 2. 1930, the Exploration licence period granted under the
                  1925 Concession Agreement, and recognising the transfer by the above
                  company to the Bahrein Petroleum Company of all the rights granted
                  under the same 1925 Concession Agreement..............................................  17
             (б)  Indenture No. 2, dated February 15, 1933. between the Bahrein Petroleum
                  Company and the Ruler of Bahrain modifying and supplementing the
                  provisions made in Articles VI and IX of the 1925 Concession Agreement
                  for payment of oil royalties and publication of the Company’s yearly
                  accounts   ................................................................... .............  19
             (c) Supplementary Agreement, dated November 21, 1933, between the Bahrein
                  Petroleum Company and the Ruler of Bahrain, extending for a period
                  of 13 months from December 2. 1933, the Prospecting licence granted
                  under the 1925 Concession Agreement, and setting out the conditions in
                  regard to the monthly payments to be made to the Ruler under the
                  Concession Agreement   ...................................................................  20
        No. 2.—Mining Lease made between the Bahrein Petroleum Company and the Ruler of
             Bahrain, granting the Company exclusive rights for prospecting, drilling and
             constructing refineries for a period of 55 years from January I, 1935. dated
             December 29, 1934   ..............................................................................  21
             (а)  Deed of Modification, dated June 3. 1936, made between the Bahrein
                  Petroleum Company and the Ruler of Bahrain, amending the provisions
                  of Article III of the Lease in regard to taxation on oil royalties and on
                  imported crude oil for consumption in Bahrain ...................................  30
             (б)  Deed of Further Modification, dated June 19. 1940, made between the Bahrein
                  Petroleum Company and the Ruler of Bahrain whereby the Mining Lease
                  is extended to cover all “ the Sheikh’s present and future dominions ”
                  known as the “ Additional Area ”  .........................................................  31
             (c)  Agreement between the Bahrein Petroleum Company and the Ruler of
                  Bahrain, whereby Article XIX of the Mining Lease is to be disregarded
                  until such time as both parties consider it necessary, dated October 18, 1941  34
             (d)  Letter, dated December 20, 1949, from the Adviser to the Government of
                  Bahrain to the Bahrein Petroleum Company, requesting that for a period
                  of 10 years commencing on January 1, 1950, an increase be made in the
                  royalty rate paid to the Ruler of Bahrain under the 1934 Mining Lease ...  35
             (e)  Letter, dated April 12, 1950. from the Bahrein Petroleum Company to the
                  Ruler of Bahrain agreeing to the proposals contained in (</) above for the
                 revision of oil royalties ...................................................................  36
             (/) Letter, dated April 18. 1950, from the Ruler of Bahrain to the Bahrein
                 Petroleum Company acknowledging receipt of (e) above .............  36
             (g) Letter, dated June 28. 1951. from the Bahrein Petroleum Company to the
                 Ruler of Bahrain, informing the latter of the Company’s decision to make
                 as from June 1, 1951, additional monthly payments to him of
                 5,00,000 Rupees ..............................................................................  36
             (/i) Letter, dated July 21, 1951. from the Bahrein Petroleum Company to the
                 Ruler of Bahrain conveying the assurance that the payments at 0?) above
                 will be continued as a temporary measure until some comprehensive plan
                 has been drawn up ..............................................................................  37
        No. 3.—Political Agreement between His Majesty’s Government and the Bahrein
             Petroleum Company relating to the Mining Lease of December 29. 1934. and
             the subsequent Deeds of Modification at No. 2 (a) and (6) above, dated
            June 29, 1940  ....................................................................................................  37
             (a) Memorandum, dated August 2. 1940, made between His Majesty’s Govern­
                 ment and the Bahrein Petroleum Company whereby the Company agrees
                 to abide by the terms of the Political Agreement of June 29, 1940.
                 and recognises the Ruler’s right to terminate the Concession should the
                 Company fail to observe any of the terms of the Agreement .............  40
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