Page 9 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
P. 9

                                                  PART III
                  No. 1.—Concession Agreement between the Anglo-Pcrsian Oil Company and the
                       Ruler of Qatar, dated May 17, 1935 ............................................ .  Ill
                       (a)  Letter, dated May 17, 1935, from the Anglo-Pcrsian Oil Company to the
                            Ruler of Qatar giving four undertakings additional to those contained in
                            the Concession Agreement at No. 1 above and requesting the Ruler’s
                            written acceptance of them ........................................................  116
                       (b)  Letter, dated May 17, 1935, from the Anglo-Persian Oil Company to the
                            Ruler of Qatar stating that, in accordance with Article 7 of the Conces­
                            sion Agreement (No.  above), the land surrounding the Ruler’s Castle
                            at Dohah is to be exempt from all operations of the Company .............  116
                       (c)  Letter, dated May 22, 1946, from Petroleum Development (Qatar) Limited, to
                            the Ruler of Qatar on the subject of the permission to be granted to the
                            Company’s aircraft to land in Qatar........................................................  117
                       (d)  Further letter, dated August 21, 1946, from Petroleum Development (Qatar)
                            Limited, to the Ruler of Qatar requesting early confirmation from the
                            latter that general permission has been granted to the Company’s aircraft
                            to land in Qatar ..............................................................................  117
                       (e)  Letter, dated September I, 1946, from the Ruler of Qatar to Petroleum
                            Development (Qatar) Limited, confirming that permission has been granted
                            to the Company’s aircraft to land in Qatar.............................................  117
                       (/) Letter, dated August 12, 1946, from Petroleum Development (Qatar) Limited,
                            to the Ruler of Qatar on the understanding reached with the latter
                           regarding the use of ports in Qatar territory by the Company and
                            requesting his confirmation of it ........................................................  118
                       (g) Letter, dated August 12, 1946, from the Ruler of Qatar to Petroleum Develop­
                            ment (Qatar) Limited, replying to (/) above and giving the required
                           confirmation ........................ „...........................................  118
                  No. 2.—Political Agreement between His Majesty’s Government and the Anglo-Pcrsian
                      Oil Company relating to the Concession Agreement signed on May 17. 1935,
                      dated June 5, 1935   .........................................................................................  118
                      (а)  Letter, dated June 5, 1935, from the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf
                           to the Ruler of Qatar on the subject of the Political Agreement .............  121
                      (б)  Letter, dated June 6, 1935. from the Ruler of Qatar to the Political Resident
                           in the Persian Gulf, replying to (a) above ...................................  121
                 No. 3.—Agreement between His Majesty’s Government and Petroleum Development
                      (Qatar) Limited, relating to the transfer of the Qatar Oil Concession from the
                      Anglo-Persian Oil Company to Petroleum Development (Qatar) Limited, dated
                      February'5, 1937   .........................................................................................  122
                 No. 4.—Agreement between His Majesty’s Government and Petroleum Concessions
                      Limited, relating to the refining of crude oil. dated February 5, 1937  .............  123
                 No. 5—Fifty-fifty Profit-sharing Agreement between Petroleum Development (Qatar)
                      Limited, and the Ruler of Qatar, dated September 1, 1952 ...................................  123
                      (a)  Letter, dated September 1, 1952, from Petroleum Development (Qatar)
                           Limited, to the Ruler of Qatar regarding the Ruler’s intention to issue an
                           Income Tax decree and payments to be made by the Company to cover a
                           period prior to the signing of the Agreement ...................................  129
                      (b)  Letter, dated September 1. 1952, from the Ruler of Qatar to Petroleum
                           Development (Qatar) Limited, replying to (a) above ........................  129
                      (c)  Letter,   dated September  1,  1952, from  Petroleum Development  (Qatar)
                           Limited to the Ruler of Qatar, asking for an option over territory which
                           may subsequently accrue to him ........................................................  129
                      (d)  Letter, dated September 1, 1952, from the Ruler of Qatar replying to
                           (c) above   .........................................................................................  130
                      (e)  Letter,   dated September  1,  1952, from  Petroleum Development  (Qatar)
                           Limited to the Ruler of Qatar regarding the quantities of petrol and
                           kerosene to be supplied free annually to the Ruler...................................  130
                      (/) Letter, dated September 1. 1952, from the Ruler of Qatar replying to (c) above  130
                      (g)  Letter,   dated September  1.  1952, from  Petroleum Development  (Qatar)
                           Limited, to the Ruler of Qatar regarding payments to be made as an
                           interim measure until the end of 1953   .............................................  131
                      (h)  Letter, dated September 1. 1952, from the Ruler of Qatar replying to (g) above 131
                      (0 Letter,   dated November 15,  1953, from  Petroleum Development  (Qatar)
                           Limited, to the Ruler of Qatar regarding payments by the Company for
                           the use of ports ..............................................................................  131
                      01 Letter, dated November 22, 1953, from the Ruler of Qatar to Petroleum
                           Development (Qatar) Limited, replying to (i) above ........................
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