Page 11 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
P. 11
Dubai Oil Concession
No. 5.—Concession Agreement between Petroleum Concessions Limited and the Ruler
of Dubai, dated May 22, 1937 ............................................................................ 171
No. 6.—Political Agreement between His Majesty’s Government and Petroleum Con
cessions Limited, relating to the Dubai Oil Concession, dated February 5, 1937 ... 177
(a) Letter, dated May 22, 1937, from the Political Agent, Bahrain, to the Ruler
of Dubai on the subject of the Political Agreement 180
(b) Letter, dated May 22, 1937, from the Ruler of Dubai to the Political Agent,
Bahrain, accepting the conditions set out in (a) above ........................... 181
(c) Letter, dated May 22, 1937, from the Political Agent, Bahrain, to the Ruler of
Dubai requesting the latter to agree to obtain His Majesty’s Government’s
approval before entering into negotiations with a bank ........................... 181
(d) Letter, dated May 22. 1937, from the Ruler of Dubai to the Political Agent,
Bahrain, agreeing to the conditions mentioned in (c) above ............... 181
(e) Letter, dated June 12. 1937. from the Ruler of Dubai to the Political Agent,
Bahrain, agreeing to be guided by His Majesty’s Government’s advice in
exercising his right to terminate the concession under the Political
Agreement .................................................................................................... 181
(/) Letter, dated October 6, 1937, from the Political Agent, Bahrain, to the Ruler
of Dubai informing him that the arrangements contained in (a) above, and
his acceptance of them, have been communicated to Petroleum Conces
sions Limited ............................................................... ... ............... 182
Dubai Off-shore Concession
No. 7.—Concession Agreement between the Ruler of Dubai and Mr. George Hescldin,
dated August 7, 1952 .................................................................................................... 182
No. 8.—Political Agreement between Her Majesty’s Government and Mr. George
Hcseldin, regarding the off-shore Oil Concession, granted to the former by the
Ruler of Dubai on August 7, 1952, dated December 1, 1952 ........................... 188
(a) Letter, dated December 18, 1952, from the Political Agent, Trucial States, to
the Ruler of Dubai on the subject of the off-shore Oil Concession granted
to Mr. George Hcseldin ........................................................................... 192
(b) Letter, dated July 2, 1953. from the Ruler of Dubai to the Political Agent,
Trucial Stales, confirming acceptance of the terms contained in (a) above 192
Sharjah Oil Concession
No. 9.—Concession Agreement between Petroleum Concessions Limited and the Ruler
of Sharjah, dated September 17. 1937, with Schedule No. 1 of the same date ... 193
(a) Letter, dated September 17, 1937, from Petroleum Concessions Limited to the
Ruler of Sharjah undertaking to make additional monthly payments to
him under the Concession Agreement ................................................... 200
(h) Amendment No. 1, dated February 26, 1946, to the Agreement, prolonging by
5 years (to the end of September 1952) the period allowed for drilling ... 200
(c) Amendment No. 2, dated February 7, 1951, to the Agreement prolonging by
a further 5 years the period allowed for drilling ....................................... 201
(d) Letter, dated October 10, 1953, from Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast)
Limited to the Ruler of Sharjah informing him of the Company’s decision
to increase the yearly amount paid to him under Article 5 (c) of the
Agreement .................................................................................................... 201
(e) Written Statement by the Ruler of Sharjah, dated November 17. 1953, con
firming that Article 1 (a) of the Agreement of September 1, 1937, includes
the sea-bed in the territory of Sharjah ................................................... 202
No. io.—Political Agreement between His Majesty’s Government and Petroleum Con
cessions Limited, relating to the Sharjah Oil Concession. dated'Novcmber 12, 1937 202
(a) Letter, dated December 23, 1937, from the Political Agent, Bahrain, to the
Ruler of Sharjah on the subject of the Political Agreement (No. 10) above 205
(b) Letter, dated March 26, 1938, from the Ruler of Sharjah to the Political
Agent, Bahrain, confirming acceptance of the terms contained in
(a) above .................................................................................................... 206
(c) Letter, dated March 27. 1938, from the Political Agent, Bahrain, to the Ruler
of Sharjah requesting the latter to agree to obtain His Majesty’s Govern
ment’s approval before entering into negotiations with a bank ............... 206
(d) Letter, dated March 30, 1938, from the Ruler of Sharjah to the Political
Agent, Bahrain, agreeing to the request in (c) above ... ............... 206
(e) Letter, dated May 23, 1938, from the Political Agent. Bahrain, to the
Ruler of Sharjah, informing him that the arrangements contained in
(a) above, and his acceptance nf them, have been communicated to
Petroleum Concessions Limited ...............................................................