Page 22 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
P. 22


        Indenture No. 2, dated February 15, 1933, between the Bahrein Petroleum
              Company and the Ruler of Bahrain Modifying and Supplementing the
              Provisions made in Articles VI and IX of the 1925 Concession Agreement
              for Payment of Oil Royalties and Publication of the Company’s Yearly
        Indenture between Shaikh Hamad bin Shaikh Isa A1 Khalifah, Shaikh of Bahrain
            (hereinafter called “ the Shaikh ”) acting on the advice of the British Political
            Resident in the Persian Gulf of the one part and the Bahrain Petroleum
            Company Limited (hereinafter called “ the Bahrain Company ”) a Company
            incorporated under the Laws of the Dominion of Canada of the other part.
            Whereas this Indenture is supplemental to the Concession Agreement dated
        the second day of December One thousand nine hundred and twenty-five and made
        between the Shaikh of the one part and Eastern and General Syndicate Limited
        of the other part and now vested by assignment in the Company which agreement
        has been extended and modified by an Indenture dated the twelfth day of June
        One thousand nine hundred and thirty and further extended by agreement to the
        second day of December One thousand nine hundred and thirty-three.
            Now this Indenture witnesseth that it is hereby agreed and declared that the
        said Concession Agreement shall be further modified in manner hereinafter
        appearing, that is to say: —
            1.  The words “ Except for payments in respect of royalty which shall become
        payable under Article IX of the Second Schedule to this Agreement in respect of
        oil won in excess of 100 tons ” shall be inserted in Article VI of the said Agreement
        immediately before and so as to qualify the sentence beginning with the words
        “ they shall not be liable to pay any further sums.”
            2.  The following shall be substituted for the existing Article IX of the Second
        Schedule to the said Agreement that is to say: —
                “ IX. The right to win up to one hundred tons of oil free of payment
            and further quantities of oil on payment of a royalty of Rs. 3. 8. 0 per ton of
            net crude oil got and saved (i.e. after deducting water and foreign substances
            and oil required for the customary operations of the Company’s installations
            in the Shaikh’s Territories).”
            3.  There shall be inserted in Schedule 2 of the said Agreement immediately
        after Article IX two new Articles as follows: —
                “ IXa. For the purposes of such royalty payments the Company shall
            measure by a method customarily used in good oilfield practice all crude oil
            won and saved and the Shaikh by his Representative duly authorised by the
            Political Resident in the Persian Gulf shall have the right to examine such
            measuring and to examine and test whatever appliances may be used for
            such measuring. If upon such examination or testing any such appliance
            shall be found to be out of order the Shaikh may require that the same be
            put in order by and at the expense of the Company and if such requisition
            be not complied with in a reasonable time the Shaikh may cause the said
            appliance to be put in order and may recover the expense of so doing from
            the Company and if upon any such examination as aforesaid any  error shall
            be discovered in any such appliance such error shall if the Shaik h so decide
            after hearing the Company’s explanation be considered to have existed for
            three calendar months previous to the discovery thereof or from the last
            occasion of examining the same in case such occasion shall be within such
            period of three calendar months and the royalty shall be adjusted accordingly.
            If the Company desire to alter any measuring appliance it shall give reasonable
            notice to the Shaikh or his representative to enable a representative of the
            Shaikh to be present during such alteration.”
               “ IXb. The Company shall keep full and correct accounts of all crude
            oil measured as aforesaid, and the said representative of the Shaikh shall have
            access at all reasonable times to the books of the Company containing such
            accounts and shall be at liberty to make extracts therefrom and the Company
            shall at its own expense within three calendar months after the end of each
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