Page 236 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 236

                  Tublo No. a-B.—Totnl Exports of Principal Articles during Hie years 1912.13 to
                                                   Qcistjtiis.             v*tci
                 Arlicloi ar..d Countri« lo which exported.
                                             1013*13.  1013-11  1914-15.  1012-13.  1013-11  1011-15.
                                                                     Be.    Rs.     IU
                 Hidw and Siins       .Value                         48.830  •ir.rco
                                                       • H
                 Hat and if at Bags .   »•                             <587   700    310
                 Perfumery .                                           337   2.710
                 Sowing Machines
                 At ticlos not ipcciGcd above  . Value               11,747  »!,•:« 6  20,800
                        Total by Stoaaen                           1,376,209  3,783.331  36,79,246
              By Sailing Vessels—
                 Animal* .            . Noe.     168    145    147    6,271  1,924  7,350

                 Dry and Siltod •     • Cwts.   1,372  6,474  3,COO  13,588  <*800  8,704
                 Dates, Dry           . Tons.    259     62   1,7 W  36,741  6,300  2S0.1CO
                   »  Wii                        616    277
                                        n                      666   •41,301  15,631  59.025
                 Pomegranates .       . Cwta.     8                    120
                 Other Kind* .
                                        99                     324                  2.3CO
               Precious Sto&a and Metals—                                          t
                 Bar Silver .   .     . Bars.    20     125          40,000  2,30,000  163,000
                • Specie              • *>     • 94                  444            2#»
                  Oil-Kerorins  gfr 9  .Gals.  set           11,400  944            8,103
                  Spirit* and Wines     m        296    314   1030   2,780   2,593  18CO
                  Drugs ,   *         . Valos  944     444           2,370   1^00   1,760
                  Perfoxmsxy   •   •    »      •m;                           7,080  4,050
                  Hardware Articles not ipoclfied -                    780    816    10)
                   abort                *              IM
                     Total by SaiEng Teasels                               2£k653  5,44,817
                                                IH                  1,46,954
   231   232   233   234   235   236   237   238   239   240   241