Page 238 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 238
TableNo, 2-C.~Prinrlpa.I Articles cud Countries to which exported during the years 1912-13 to
QCAKTItlXS. Valoi.
Art ic)u a-.! Cou-tric s to which fx^rU-d.
1V12-13. 1013-14. It 14-15. 1912-13. 1913-14. 1914-15.
Ccr-eah—eon td. Bn. IU Ha.
India • Cwt. 332 2,946
Other Countrin • *» 282 141 41 2,8-il 1,170 3o0
Wheat Flotu—
Pe:6l» . 140 58 72-4 519
Otter Gnirj—
Arab Co.vt tf 15 217
India » 18 1 20S
SarlincB, diy —
India r% U, 415 22,325 3,320 CO, 19 2 92.560 1,1*3,003
Other Cointries 120 110 600 166
?i;h, dry ftii salted—
A mb Coast |. »» S3 26 792 270 782
India T9 4,900 3,257 692 39,699 19,323 3,543
Other Coactr.of * • m 1,343 74 101 7,180 93 o 710
Pish Maw*—
India 43 5 ••• 2,100 300
? *>
Shirt Fins—
India 225 556 434 3.580 6,910 2,260
Persia • m 67 760
Other Countries 17 480
India • m 514 86 103 3,230 825 994
Dates, dry—
India • Trtis. 4^51 6.924 4,948 6.09,900 1&A9S 8,6f,60*