Page 239 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 239

         Tnklc No, a-C.—Principal Articles and Countries to which exported during the years 1912-13 to
                                              QrjXTITIKS.             Yaium.
           Articles nnd Countries to whi:h exported.
                                        1912-13.  1913-14.  191S-15.  1912-13.  1&13-11   1914-15.

         FroiH-roie/i.                                           Rs.    IU.     Ra.
          Dates, wet—
           Aden                  Tina      423    44/5    123  33,373  2S.SG5  19,20)
           Arab Coast             9                 4      9            1,192   936
           India •                        3,187  2,485    921  3,01,075  3,31,917  1,31,590
           United States of America  ■    l.COl    14     *02  4,99,610  3-37,700  3,72.30)
           Zanzibar .            9          i       1      4     763     231   1,17*3
           Other Conntries       9         £06    171     118  22,701   21,103  28,313

          Lira-3, dry—
           Arab Coast           • Cvts.     51    235     Hi    1.095   7.225  2,80-3
           India                           261    273     87    5,250 ;  6,725  2.493
           Persia                         1,0/2  1,053    903  27,335   29,970  25,835
           Turkey ia Asia .       >•      2,721  1,595    152  G 7,220  45,355  4,59*3
           Arab Coast •                     2                    200
           India                          1,527  2,215    *31  55,999  73,310  17,801
         »F rails, other sorts—
           Arab Coast                                           1,330    600    723
           Id*                    m                                             779
           Persia                                                240     225   1,215
                                  M      • M
         Paints and Colour*—
          Dragoon*' blood—
           India ,   •                      3      10            425    1,950
           Turkey is Asia .       m         1    •••       3     170            450
          Watns (Ochre)—
           An^ Coast              m        21             12    3,500           900
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