Page 244 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 244
Tabic No. 2-C.—•Priaipul Articles and Countries to which exported during the years X9ZJ.X3
to I9M-I5—conti.
Articles and Conntrios to which exported.
1912-13. 1913-14. 1014-15. 1912-13. 1913.1V. 1014-15.
Miscellaneous—concld. Ha. Ra. Rv
Article* not spociGed above—
Adrn Value « H 1,400
Arab Coast ff 681 18,779 1,433
India h 1,003 10,548 10,610
Persia • • 4,674 2,776 16.811
Turkey in Asia . n 3,327 1,663 100
United Kingdom »t 75
Zanzibar . 627
Other countries . »» 900 751
Total by Steam era 43,75,209 37,39,391 36,79,246
By sailing vessels—
India . Kos. 158 145 147 6,271 1,024 7.350
ery and salted—
India . Cwt. 1,373 6,644 3,094 13,688 6,800 8,701
Dates, drj—
India Tons 259 52 1/44 36/44 6,900 2,80^60
Dates, wet—
Aden n 264 • H 13,518
Tnij»a 352 277 666 30,763 18,581 59,025
India . Cwt. 8 120
Dry Licts—
India 324 •« 2/00
• M
f *.