Page 247 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 247

                            PORT OF MUSCAT, OMAN, ARABIA.

       Return of British Shipping which entered nnd Cleared in the Fore7go Trade of the Port daring
                                      the year 19x4-13.
       (To he fjnvaried '.5 tlio A*>i«Laic Secretary, Co^c'rcial Department, Board of Trade, I/indoa, S. W., &a soon a» possible after the
           c'd of *.ho ye ar In which :L; Return relate#,aod iL*o embodied m tbe Annual Report. See Chapter XIX of the '* Con.ular
           IaitruCic n*;’ and also tic Circular “ Coa=.:rcial 12579 " issecd by the Foreign 0i3ca in May, 1910.)
                                      (a) Steam Vetttlt
                           ENTERED.                              CLEARED.
                  jWitbCftrsoct.] In Ballast.  TotaL    Wi*.h Cargeos.  In Ballast.  Total.
        COUNTRIES                             COUNTRIES
         WHENCE                               70 WHICH
        ENTERED.      A S*4      f *4   ~ S t  CLEARED.     %* d &   ts| p.|   o
                      n h       h r>    /; I            H   •;, 2  *1        *g
                                 2 ii
       United  11  26,5:32 • ...  11  20,382  United Kingdom  1  2,015  1  •3,045
       Other rtnntrie*,*                     Cth^r reentries,*
         r is.:—          .                   tiru—
        led:* .    36  1,27,051 I ...  •0 1,27,364  I i lia  .  65  91,058  24  23,419 S9 1,18,378
        Norway     1   3.2:>J        1  3,354  U.S.A.    2  5,104         2   5,101
                          ! “
                   93 J,57,r*00 • ...  53 1,57,900      6S 1,02,117  24  23,119 j 92 1,25,527
                     1                                    1
                                     (b) Sailing Yetiels
                          ENTERED.                              CLEARED.
                   ith Cargoes.' In Ballast.  TotaL    With Cargeoa.  In Ballast.
        COUNTRIES                             COUNP.rES                     TotaL
         WHENCE  t                            TO WHICH
        ENTERED.  zi    4       8>  a 4       CLEARED.    I   4  «i!     =4' A
                  Li 1    'll  9 3 c S                      J|
                       £        * !                    re­      «ij n ft, h

       united Xingdem                       United Kingdom
       Other countries,®                    Other Count rica,*
        nx                                    to.;—

        India •   43  4^57  13  1,290  €5  5,857 8 India  52  4,041  4  393  56  5,036
        Aina (Lama)  1  2S1         1    281

                  <9  4,843 18  1,290  €7  6,138        52  4,641  4   395  56  6,03C

                   •Each e^cnfcy should be ihiawu separately, a continuation aheet being used if ueceeaiy.
                                S. G. ?. L—223 P. k P. D.—21-S-i6—4L

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