Page 246 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 246

                                    PORT OP MUSCAT, OMAN, ARABIA.
              Return of Shipping of all Nationalities which Entered and Cleared ia the Foreign Trade of thc
                                      port during the year 191-4-15.
                                       (To be embodied in IL« Annual report).
                                             (.1) Strav1 Vet tel t
                                  ENTERED.                            CLEARED.
              NATIONALITY  Witli Cargoes. In Ballast.  Total.  | NATION'A CITY  With Car£««.| In Ballast.  Total.
                  OF                                  OK'
                 VESSLS.       i  *3.=  &      i    VESSELS.  ■Sv  i        it      &
                          3  ■ss   o!  tj s  0*1  41 «l      o*5      °-c  % 3  o4  o a
                                              o a
                             V; s             * 3                  6 •> z s, 3  u  J<; 2
                                                                     ! o
                              t2       H       £                   H tA> • H
              British .  93 1,57.800      98 1,57,500  British  cs l,02,r.7  24  23,410  92 1.25,527
              Other N’nlion-vli-                  Other Nadcutli-
               tioJ, viz.:*—                        ties, ris.:—

               German     2  5,773   m    2   5,773

               Feraian    1  2,036        1   2,036

                        101 1,65,614     101  1,55,614       63 1,02,117  24  23,410 92 jl,25,527

                                            C~ ) Sailing Vends
                                 ENTERED.                            CLEARED.
                         WitbCargoet. In B a Hart,  Total    With Cxrjrca. In Ballast.  Total.
              NATIONALITY                         NATIONALITY
                  OF                                  OF
                VESSELS.  m      S.*           x>   TESSEL8                &
                         o*S         -I c»  oj:                               =1 -J
                         o •  •Sc   o I  .0 a   6l  tS                   *S a
                             ^ 2     fc 5    fcg             o S 3       S< §
                              &          SJ   5              ss  'n H      H
              British •  49  4,843  18  1,290  67  6,138  British •  52  4,441  4  392  56  5,035

              Other Nationali­                    Other Nationali­
               ties, Tix.:—                        ties, rit;-

                         49  4,843  18  1,290  67  6,138     62  4,541   4  395  S6  6fi»

   241   242   243   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251