Page 242 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 242
Table No. a-C.—Principal Articles und Countries to which cxpoited during the years 1912-13 to
QuaNTlTISS. Viiui.
Articloi and Countries to which exported.
1912-13. 1913-14. 1911-15. 1012-13. 1013-14. 1014-15. .
IU. Its. Re
To 1 till Fairies—
Colton Goods (Europe)—
Arab Coast . . . Cases 75 61 37 15,700 18.800 12,110
India t* 25 25 7,ICO 11,250
Persia If 237 193 41 43,8*30 56,100 14,260
Other Countries rt 3 12 830 3.5CO
Colton Goods (iTuikat Uanufac-
Aden.................................... 12 8,800
Arab Coast .... n 3 5 19 5,500 4,200 18,300
Aden 99 9 8,800
India . Cwt. 1 £00
Persia w 6 COO
Zanzibar . m 110 12-1 48 i,7c,:oo 2,00,000 46,400
SlEc Goods—
Arab Coast . Talas •H 4,000 2,000
Arab Coast . Talus 75 700 750
India m 250
Persia 2,550 1,170 1,430
Other Countries - 0 — 600
Arab Coast m 1,725 620 300
Persia * • • m ••• 2,850 1,160
Other Countries . m 900
V .