Page 249 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 249
No. l'JG£, Political Agency and II. B. M/s Consulate, Muscat, the 27th September
(received 2nd October) 1916.
From—E. II. Howlll, Esq., C.T.E., I.C.S., Political Agent and IT. B. M/s
Consul, Muscat,
To—The llot/blc the Foreign Secretary to the Government of India, Foreign and
Political Department, Simla.
I have the honour to forward, herewith, the Trade Report for Muscat for
the year 1915-10 together with the Returns of Statistics for the same period.
2. I would request that, if the report should be printed, half a dozen
copies may iindly be forwarded to me for use in this office.