Page 385 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 385
For tho year 1921-22.
Introduction.—A reference to Mr, R. E. L. .Rice is sold by the bag; other cereals by the
Wingate’s Report cn the Trade of Muscat for 1919- following mca-surcs :—
20 is solicited for this purpose. The General Com •10 Palb = 1 Farrah.
mercial condition of Muscat ha3 not altered since 20 Firr^hj-* 1 KLanelLl
tbit report was written. The rupee which weighs one tola, and the dollar,
Currency.—The currency of the country is the of which the weight is called “ Aukia ” arc used for
Miria Thercia dollar and the copper coin mir.tcd in weighing drugrs and perfumes. One Aukia equals
1635 to the order cf His Highness the Sultan. In eight miskals :—
Muscat and Muttra sovereign.-, Indian Currency
r.oies and Indian rupees arc generally accepted. Measures (Linear).
The Maria Theresa dollar fluctuates in value 1 Shitr = 1 hand of 4J inches.
considerably, being affected by tho. world price of 4 Shitr = 1 Eiitira or cubit.
4 — 1 ba’ or fathom.
silver, by the local demand in the date scascn, and Sinking.—D ie to the primitive method of trade
by the state of the Bahrein pearl market. and the necessity for making advances on the date
Trade accounts are kept in Mvbarnadis and Gajh, crop in a very insecure country hanking can only
imaginary coins. There are two kinds of Mohan:adis be carried on by the merchants themselves, and a
—bla vk and white. Black 201=1 dollar, a.'.c white bank would probably be a complete failure and
111=1 dollar. The white is used in wholesale trade
accounts and the blnck for fruits, vegctahUs, etc. largely useless.
T'ale.—The total volume of trade during the
Most hundic3 from India show their face Vilue in year has amounted to £s. 885,506 as against
Mohamadis and .jot in rupees.
£s. 044,910 of the previous year showing a decrease
20 Gajh = 1 MohiTnr.iL of £s. 59,401 on last year’s figures. The above
11£ Mohamsdb = 1 dollar.
100 Mohamidu = Toman. figures include the figures of the buggalow-borne
The average rate of monthly exchange between trade which amounted to £s. 173,935 and represent
the M iria Theresa dollar an-1 the rupee varied from a decrease of £s. 01,815 on last year’s figures. This
Rs. 101-9 to Rs. 175-8 per 100 dollara, the lowest decrease is accounted for by tbe return to normalcy
to a certain exte nt in the steamer service consequent
b=ir.g in March 1922 end the highest in August 1921. on the establishment of peace.
Tae following gives the average rates ruling in
Share of Trade.—The following table shows the
the local market in each month during the year percentage of total trade taken by each country :—
under report. Rs. 15=£1.
Rupees per 100 dollars
April 1021 . 182-4 Countries. Imported. Exported. ToUL Pcrccoi-
May . 179 m *8«-
Jane a . 180-5
July n . 104 *> m
August *i . 10f-9 U U Cm. It
September „ . 192-4 ft »•
October „ . 1E9-3 „ Aden .... 707 767 009
November „ . 188 99 India .... 480,739 350,050 840.303 94-91
December „ . 183 ft
January 1922 . 175-9 99 99 m United Kingdom . 2.M 6 24 2,370 0-24
February „ . 170-7 UoIUd States of Aro*rtea 11.800 11,800 1-34
March tt . 175-S ft ft t. PinH ....
WeigrUs and Measures.—The weights used in tho 7,542 19,075 28,017 8-24
Customs department are now prescribed for use in Other Conntrtcs . 130 3.431 1,507 O-IT
Muscat, Muttra and Coast towns. They are :—
TOT41 491,430 394,070 883,505 100-04
1 Kivat = the weight of 6dollars or 5-9375 or*.
24 Kiy&s = 1 Muscat Maund.
10 Mda. = 1 Fa rasa la. Imports.—The total Imports for the year amounted
200 do. as 1 Bahar. to £s. 491,430 ad against £a. 514,830 last year,