Page 389 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 389
Total Imports of Princ;?:d Articles during the year* 1010-20, 1S20-21 and 1921-22
QcAXTrrr. Valor.
1919-20. is:o-2i. 1921-22. 1919-20. 1920-21. 1921-22.
£ £ £ forward 153.555 310,970 313.854
Jfi'c 'Uanexjvt—■
So x Board* (shoot*) Value 3,391 6.834 1,103 1.833
32 35 007 630
SisHding Material* r* •10 53
C9 918
Ki tcbca . »f
Drug* It 35 C6 743 157 439
Faicniture . N 21 43
Eca-mclworo If 5 17 60 130
G! and Earthoovaro •I 10 6 93 119 96
CzTznj bag* 138 47 2,020 1,724 403
Eahordashory If 4 3 :3 133 80
Hard war* If 174 134 1.375 500 281
Sid cloth . ff 10 7 321 199
Kidhinoiy If 42 3 447 55
P-rrflumery If £0 CO 17 151 113
Sa? If 430 124 26 633 292
Rina* mine If 133 94 530 634
lifted It 57 241 873 874
EUtionory If 11 6 413 181 65
VTuring Apparel 4 422 71
AricOoa not specified above 348 CIS 1,994 2,051 3.740
Total by Steakem 158,757 327,308 326,739
Bt Sjulzxo Vessels.
PJae Ton* 4,298 0J17 4,034 00,095 138,099 87,297
Wbai ff 9,508 221 173 7,6oi 5,636 3.643
Palie Cwt. 129 13 15 79 239 £40
Whtai floor 3,182 183 200 2,759 3,919 2^59
Oth-r grain* ff 5.924 145 174 2.9S2 2,007 2,632
Seed* • If 22 30 474 677
Carrie d over 63,570 150.374 96,7*38
b 2