Page 388 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 388
Total Imports of Principal Articles during lire yeers 1019-20, 1320-21 and 1S21-22—ccnfd.
IVlO-i’O. 19:0-21. 1921-22L 1919-20. 1920-21. 1921-22.
£ £ £
Brought forward •10.0CO 1121,005 130/31
Paint* and Col-yurt Cwta. 45 51 57 400 151 141
Ppocio 513
Biscuits . Valnc 8 17 1C 75 113
CoJee Cwtr. 7.5S0 299 2i3 21,497 2! £32 15,CIS ‘
Tea 27 13 18 112 61
Fruits, Fr. jL and Dried • • 34 4 I 42 G3 100
Ghee . . Gals. 72 23-2 343 8S9
Kcrosino ctl 24 115,400 in 11,177
Oil ol all lln>'ls M 5,828 1.CQ0 1,140 677 241 302
Oilman St-’.rw Value 21 4 3 89 225
OrJoos CvK 20 19 4-5 10 14 37
Sp: ccs Value C73 577 6,467 2,845 2,921
Saffron It 1,007 821 300 1,276 407
Potatoes . 43
JogTW Cat a. • 1 2 3
Sugar, Cacdr ft 75 12:9 300 207
„ Lod 70 9:3 163 220
« Soft 4,130 3,022 Ui/jTJS 6,510 8,336 20,012
Vermicelli Lbs. C40 ISO 22 29
Dates Value 32
Wines and Spirits Gals. 1,726 3,341 S4-4 2,301 5,099 1,294
Textile Fabric*—
Cotton Goods . 1,000 yds. 4,945 2.C04 2£d-4 70,978 101,293 110,300
Silk and Sift goods . Cwta. 15,239 12,940
Twist and Yam .Value 972 1,331 1,375 7,200 20 £08 16,383
Cigarettes 21 16 1,013 787 496
Snuff , 1 25 9
Tobacco . 99 127 102 221 2,092 2,095
Csrritd OTcr 150,655 316,970 315,854