Page 412 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 412
wealing drugs and perfumer. One A ulna equals Export*.
eight miskals The total value of exports during the year amounted
to £181 ,G00 showing &K’linprovcmcnt over last year’
Mtasurt* (Linear). figures of £15,011. Exports carried by steamers haw
1 Sbibr . « 1 hand of 4} inches.
. a 1 Dhira or cnbit. amounted to £138,121 and show a goodly increase of
4 Dhirw . . . a 1 Da' or fathom. £21,464 over last year’s figures. Sailing vessels ex
ported goods to the extent of £46,539 which show an
increase of £21,177.
Banking. The increase of £15,G 11 noticed above is due to
There arc no Banka in Muscat. The system among increased exports under following itcina
merchants of issuing Hundis (crafts) is in vogue ana
ns trade methods arc primitive there arc no induce- £
menu for a bank to be esULliihed. Orr sArdinn . . . 20,200
Dry dates
Pry limes 7,700
Sugar, soft . 10,000
Total . 45,600
The total volume of trade during the year under
report amounted to £627,300 is against £611,907 in The last item was imported and re-exported.
the preceding year showing a Let increase of £15,3G3
or ab out 3 per cent. Of the above figures goods
valued £323,079 were carried by sailing craft and the Fard Dates.
rest by steam vends. It will be noticed that the export of Fard dates to
the United States of America has suffered seriously
during the las: 2 years ; the figures lor this year being
Share of Trade. less than ha If those for the previous year. The reason
given for diminution in this orce flourishing trade is
CountrVa Import Erjert Tom FVreont- the shortage or almost entire lack of rain and the
consequent scarcity of water. The date crop in the
year under review was of the poorest quality and
£ £ f
hardly fit for export.
<r.:» 87-72
Ivria aS! 6 7* Legislation and Administration.
TUnsdora •
I'cjsM .-ijtciof America 5=S 1-76 The Government is of the oriental type tempered
1 27
CUer 'touitxirt . fC2 1-59
by treaty for the benefit of British subjects, over
whom the local authorities have waived jurisdiction.
Total 442,700 1M.E60 C 27,77) ICO-00
Government is carried on by a Council consisting of
The above figures show that as usual India has fear Ministers (President, Minister of Finance,
maintained her position and she is responsible for Minister of Religious Affairs and Minister of Justice),
about 88 per cent, of the total trade for the year. Cases against British subjects are tried by the Poli
tical Agent and His Majesty's Consul, Muscat, on
principles of law adopted from British India. Case*
Imports. Egainst Muscat subjects are decided by the Council
of Ministers but the right of Consular representation
The total import* tor the year under review have exists and is exercised,
anointed to £442,700 as against £472,978 for the
last year ah owing a net decrease of £30,278 or about Customs Administration.
6-40 per cent of the total imports. Of the total
imports, £67,713 represent* imports carried by sail Reciprocal commercial treaties have been executed
ing craft by the Rulers of Oman with Great Britain and France.
A glance at the import returns will show that In accordance with the terms of these all goods
imports by steamers have improved to the extent of imported into Oman are subject to an import duty
£43,L'43 whereas those carried by sailing craft hove of 5 per cent, ai valorem determined by the price
suffered to the extent of £79,321. Rice is (be chief current in the local market. No export duty is
item, iu which the imports carried by the latter have levied but charge of 5 per cent, is imposed in Muscat
suffered, in 1921-22 the import of this commodity and the Coast ports on all dates and other lxulis iron
ano inted to £87,297 while in 1922-23, £12,226 worth the interior.
imported. Smuggling may account for 4 fair The Customs revenue is the main source of tb*
proportion of this decrease. Government’s income.