Page 416 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 416


                                            TABLE No. 1-B—confd.
                      Principal Import* of Principal Articles during the years 1920-21, 1921-22, 1922-2$.

                                                        Quantity             Valc»
                                                 1920-21  1921-22  1*922-23  i920-21  1921-2!  1022-23
                                                                         £      £      £
                         By Eau-ino Ynssnn.
                RW .                       To as   6,117  4,034   670  133.099  87.297  12,226
                WTiisat .                           221    173     58   5.C36  3.011
                PuUe                      Cw'ts      13     15      5    239    249
                Wheat flour                 n       183    200     65   3,519  2.35)
                Other Grain!                •f      145    174    152   2,(07  2,8.<2
                Seeds .                     rt       22     30     32    471
                Shirk Gns                   M        13                   10
                          Points and Cclcruru
                Other kinds .               )•       3-5    14     26    133     71
                Wiraj (Ochre)               W        25     30     29    509    609
                Bbeuits                    Value     33     50     3*    127    161
                Cose© ...                   rt       90     78     59   5,591  4^n
                Tea ...                     rt       27     24      0    112     Cl
                FniU, fresh and dried               125     31     50     23      4
                Oh* .                      Gals.     70    121    611    371    6SS
                Kero* ine oil .                   31.G04  64,904        2,730  4.0(0
                Fha OH                     Value                         407     133
                OH of aU kinds                    20,053  19,291  123.714  2.530  6.641
                Oihnan Stores                                       1    279
                Spices .                                         2.615  2,145  6.3CS
                V crraiccUi                 rt                   2,2-10   52     5:
                Jorreo .                    rt                      8     49     2i
                Sajar Candy .               •t                     40    246    235
                Sarar loaf .                rt                    170-
                Fuiar Soft                  M                    8.621  4,9-15  6.461
                Vegetables .                                        6     72     33
                Date© .                     rt                     73
                            Tut He Fabric*.
                Cotton .                 . Pkgs.     M      15     2     104    415
                Cotton Seeds .                     1,005   789    665    COO
                Cotton Goods             ! Per 1.000   40   56     30   1,632  1,673
                Twist and Yam            . Pig*.     11     4      7     450    137
                S-aQ Cloth                  ft       25     16           223    941
                Wearing Apparel             ft       2           • •      35
                Eauf                       Valu©     24     7      6     167     5)
               Cigarette*                   ft       1             l      11    ICC
               Tobacco                      ff       68     26     23    122
                                            »                      3           1*641
                Boiling Material .                                      2.158
                Balters. . •                ft                    2S6    166   1.371
                Enamel war* . •             f*       68     97     34    379    485
               0*vB««                       *»       20     30     8      54    102
   411   412   413   414   415   416   417   418   419   420   421