Page 414 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 414

                                            TABLE No. 1-A.
                             Total Import! during the yean 1020-21, 1&21-22, 1022-23.

                          Cocxtmisl                1020.21       1021-21       1022.2}

                                                     £             t            £
            Aden                                      CIO           7C7          1.389
            India                                  '•03,387      4C2.2S7       308,635
            Persia                                   7.508         7.542        10,938
            United Kingdom                           1,054        2,248         10,821
            United States of America .               9,791                       2.585
            Other Countrios                          . 43           105          9.143

                                      Total        521,402       472,973       413,700

                                            TABLE No. 1-B.
                  Principal Imports of Principal Articles during the years 1920-21, 1921-22, 1322-23.
                                                     QcAjjrrTT             Valcb
                                              1920-21  1921-22  1922-23  1 £20-21  1921-22  1922-23

                                                                      £      £      £
            Rice                         Tons   4,ore  6,099  8,109  127.015  113,833  146,434
            Wheat                         II     173    322    507   4.443   6.375  7.75.6
                 Flour                            H     216    240   2.017   5,122  4.733
            Other Grains         »        W II    21    218    208    4S8    3,039  3,55-9
            Seeds .                               1      4      13     42     130    326
            PuL»e .                                             20                   397
                       Painend Colwrs.
            Wa/as (Ochre)  ;            . Cwts    51     67     S3    151     141   1,2*9
                    Precious S/ones and J/tfo/*.
            Specie                       Value  ii                                   304
            Shark fins   i   .   .                              20                    67
            Disco its   .   •                     8      17     25     75   *113     12 S
            Coffee .   .   .   .                 299    223    377   21,832  15,643  24,999
            Tea -  ,.A   •                        27     13     46    112     Cl     237
            Fruits, fresh and dried ,             34     44     67     63     100    177
            Date* .        r                                   101          9 •      711
            Ghee •.                               72    232    430    3*3     389    714
            Ke rosins oil  .                   145,400       93,008  11,477         5,442
   409   410   411   412   413   414   415   416   417   418   419