Page 47 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 47

                                                          TABLE I—A.
    There aro Gvo lines of steamers running direct
  from Europe, threo British, cir.:—-The Anglo-           Total Imports.
  AI°erian and Persian Steam Ship Compauy,
  Bucknall Brothers and the 'West Hartlepool Steam
  Ship Company, one German, rtz.i—The Hamburg-
                                                 Country.    1&00-07.  1207-08.  1903-09.
  Amcrika line, and one Russian lino.
   There are two up and two down weekly
  steam era of the British India Steam Navigation                                Bo.
                                                                E*.     Ea.
  Company, carrying mails and cargo.
   Tho following freights ruled per ton for the   Aden
  undermentioned articles:—                 America .         2.48.SOO  1,93.000  3.43,543
      Date* to New York •    •  43 shilHags.
                                            Belgium           8,10,210  2L23A10  17,20,415
      Dried fish to India •        10       Franco .          1,13,935  4,23,530  3,34,437'
      Dry dates to India •          8       Germany                   1,53.820  l,70fC25
      Mother of Pearl to India     13
      Frails to India «            12       Hollaed .                            4,000
      Dry limes to India •         1G       India            43£j.OOO  41,44,700  62,17,555

   The rate of passage money by the British India   Persia    432,500  7,53,500  7,50.767
  steamers to Bombay is Rs. 110 for first class,   Eoucnania •                 1,52.650
  Rs. 55 for the second class and Rs. 10 for deck.
  Passage to London or Manchester by Bucknall   Tarkey la Asia   7 S.QiO  83.400  1,05,832
  Brothers line is £25 and to Marseilles £20.
  Passages by tho Anglo-Algerian or Hanburg-   Unite-1 Kingdom   7,94,900  15,41.450  1233,710
  Amenka line to the above places is £10 higher.
                                            Oth^r ccnntrioa    €8,0-:O  1.20,000  1,6 £730
                         R E. HOLLAND,
                                                   Total     69.21,375  98,45,500 £025,7.315
           His Britannic Majesty t Consul, Mask at.

                                     TABLE I—B.

                            Total Imports of Principal Articles.
                                 QcAxnnza.                          Yalcb.
                                1905-07.  1907-03.  19034)9.  1900-07.  19974)3.  1908-08.

                                                           Rs.       Rs.       Rs.
  Asms aitd   AiDTUHI-           • M             • ••   16,55,075  41,85,760  85,64,665


   Rice ...       •••  Tons.    20,000  12,000  15,635  24,00,000  16,50,000  21,10,725
   Wheat and other       j*      2,500   2,400   3,271   1,92,000  1,89,000  2,94,808

    net ?. a
   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52