Page 43 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 43


                                       ON THE

                          TRADE OF MASKAT

                             for the year 1908-1909-

              [Br R. E. Holland, Esq., I.C.S., His Britannic Majesty's Consul.]

                Total Trade.                   Rice.—There has been a marked Increase in.
                                            the import of rice. The price of Rangoon rice
     The statistics submitted with this report have
  been compiled from returns of exports and imports   during the year under report fell very low and
  furnished by the Customs Department of His   the local merchants imported a large quantity
  Highness* Government.                     with the idea of storing it and making a profit.
                                            But the price fell instead of rising and the
     The total value of the export and import   speculators suffered losa
  trade for the year under review is put down at   Wheat end other grain.—Under this head are
  Rs. 1,48,11,141, against Rs. 1,40,92,010 for the   included all kinds of grain except rice. The
  previous year.  The increase therefore is  imports from Persia and Turkey in Asia consist
  Rs. 7,19.131, or a little over 5 per cent. The   mostly of wheat and barley and from India of
  increase occurs mainly under the heads of Rangoon   pulse, gram, and peas.
  rice imported from Bombay and American sheet­
  ing imported from Aden.                     Piece goods.—The increase is principally due
                                            to the larger import of American sheeting, which
                                            comes  to Maskat from Aden. The cloth i>
                                            extensively purchased by (be poorer classes, as it
    The total imports into Maskat amounted to   is strong and can be dyed to any colour. Each
  Rs. 1,02,57,315 as compared with Rs. 9S,4G,5G0,   bale is stated to contain 25 pieces of 30 yards
  the figure for the previous year, 1907-1908. The   each. The price per bale in Aden ranges from
  increase amounts to Rs. 4,10,755 or a little over 4   Rs. 113 to Rs. 137. The bales are sold in Maskat
  per cent.                                 at from Rs. 130 to Rs. 152. Imports from India
                                            and Persia show increases of Rs. 1,01,250 and
    The items which show an increase are:—
                                            Rs. 22,800, respectively. Imports from India
                                            consist of articles of European manufacture such
    Articles.  1907-1908.  1908*1909.  In create.  as coatings, trouserings, shirtings, chintz, etc.
                                      cent.  Imports from Persia chiefly consist of a dark
                                            coloured cotton stuff with a mixture of crude silk
               Rs.      R*.     Be.         used for women’s costumes. Each piece is about
  Bics       16,50,000  21,10,725  4,60,725  28  8 yards in length and is sold for  8 dollars
                                            (Rs. 10-8-0) per piece.
  Wheat, tie. •   1.89.000   2,94,808  1,03,808  56
                                              Silt and Sill goods.—Imports from India
  Piece goods •   6,24.500   9,44,465  3,19,965  51  contribute Rs. 33,800 to the increase under this
                                            bead and imports from Persia Rs. 5,500. The
  Silk goods   2,14,003   2,53,300  39.300  18  imports from India consist solely of raw white silk
  yarn and Twi.t   2,74,700  3,13,845  39.145  14  which is coloured locally and used in the pre­
                                            paration of Lungies and Pogrees (waist cloths
  hfisceHantoos .  2.39.000  4,18.913  1,79,913  75  and turbans). Imports from Persia   of
                                            6ilk piece goods manufactured at Yezd.
    215J r. a

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