Page 73 - DILMUN 14
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reccntly rcstorcd to its formcr glory, on Shaikh Salman  ghwiaHy.‫ ﺃ‬Dcspitc this link;

with thc past, the building gives an ovcrall impression of modcrity, bcing built in

rcinforced concrcte and having clcan, alnost futurislic lines.

  he staincd glass domc of thcmosque was spccially conmissioned for thc Bcit ٨I
Our'an and rcflects arabcsque designs. he dianctcr ot thc done is 15 metres,
making it the larges‫ ﺍ‬staincd glass dome in the rcgion. he circular skylights over
the central courtyard wcrc commissioned at thc same time and rcpresent traditional

geometric lslamic pattcrns.

  he Founding Comittee are, of course, always in need of support fron
donations, not only to complele the project, but to contribute to the upkeep and
increase of the treasures it contains. If you, or your conpany feel that you wish to
be associated with this prestigious project, please contact the Founding Committee
on P.O. Bo; 2000, Manama, Bahrain. Personal contact can be made with me
during office hours on 251060, ele; 8599 ESKAN BN, Facsimile 24536.8

                                                         Dr. Abdul-Latif Kanoo

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