Page 74 - DILMUN 14
P. 74

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     One notes that the Hijazi manuscripts, written on parchment during the lst-2nd
 centuries of Hijral7-8 c. AD, is completely devoid of verse division except for a red
 circle placed at the end of every fifth verse. Moreover, there are no dividing lines
 between the suwar (plural of surah or chapter). hat is, the end of one surah
 merges with the heading of the following surah within the same line, and the only


 distinguishing indication is the change in the colour of ink where red is employed
 for the surah heading.

    he rigid early Kuifc script, most important of all for writing Masahef until the
 4th century of Hijrall0c. AD, was softened, when applied on Masahef, by slightly
- curving the originally angular strokes. he early, most primitive phase, is
 demonstrated in picture 3. he more developed, beautified and elegant forms of
 Kufi (start the 5th century of Hijralllc. AD), are witnessed in numerous other
 examples in the collection.

    Paper is used for all the manuscripts written in the cursive script with its various
 styles such as Naskhi, huluth, Rayhani, Muhaqqaq, Maghribi and Bihari.
 he building itself is of great interest. he visitor may recognise the lines of the
 minaret which was particularly designed to emulate the AI Khamis Mosque,

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