Page 125 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol IV_Neat
P. 125
Selby, W. B., Lieutenant.—Ascont of tho K&run nutl Dizful Rivers. JRGS. 14. 1844.
Sciilafli, Alexander.—Skizzo dor politiHoh-torritorialeu VorhUltnisso dor GoHtudoliindcr des
PG. 2. S.—PM. 1863.
Sic a HD, F.—Lllo d’Onnuz. L’Exploratour. 1876.
Stikkk, A. VV.—Tho Island of HormAz. Goograpliical Magazine, 1874. No. 1.
------ Ancient SitoH in tho PG.: S(r&f. Geographical Magazine, 1891, August.
Warner, W. II., Commander Residency Schooner Georgians.—Report on tho Bay and Fort
of Shcwoo on tho Skoro of tho PG.—Bombay.
WlUTELOOK, Lieutenant IN.—Descriptive Sketch of tho Islands and Coast situated at the
Entrance of tho PG.—JRGS. 8. 1838. BoinbayGS. 1. 1841.
WiHSH.—Momoir on Bahrein. 1859.
Wilson, Colonel, Into Rosidout, PG.—Memorandum respecting tho Poarl Fisheries in the
PG. JRGS. 3. 1833.
WOSTENFELD, F.—Bahroin und Jeraftua. Nach arubischen Geographou boschrieben.
Gottingen, 1875. Abhundluugen dor Gottingischen Gesellschaft dor Wissousouufton. Vol. 19.
. Yearly Reports on tho Administration of tho Persian Gulf Political Roaidonoy and Muscat
Political Agency. Calcutta.
III.—Arabian Coast.
Badger, G. P.—Geography of tho North-East Const of Arabia. 1812. .Cf. The Academy,
1882, No. 513.
------ History of tho Imams and Soyyids of Oman. Loudon, 1871.
Blau, Otto.—Arabien im 6. Jahrhundert. ZDMG. 23. 1869. 559-92.
Brenner, Richard__Maskat. PM. 1873. 60-62.
Capitaine, H.—La villo dc Mascate. L’Exploratour. 3. 1876.
Cole, A.—Journal of Bombay Geog. Soc. 1847.
Glaser, Eduard.—Skizzc dor Geschichto und Geograpine Arabians von den altesten Zeiten
bis zum Propheten Muhatnmod nobst einern Auhang zur Bolcuchtung der Geschichto Abessyniens
im 3. uud 4. Jahrhundort n. Chr. Auf Grund der Inschriftcu, der Angaben der alten Autoren und
der Bibel. Zwoiter Theil. (Erstor nicht erscluonen.) Berlin, 1890.
Goeje, J. M. de.—Memoirs but lea Carnathos do Bahrein. 1863.
Howarth, D. G.—Tho Ponotration of Arabia.
Kloeden, G. A. von.—Litoraturuborsicht von Arabien nach Vivien de St. Martin. Zeitschrift
f. wisscnscbaftl. Gcogr. 1. 1881. 230; mit Ergunzungon von J. M. do Goojo im selbeu Band.
ManssOr, SOHEICH.—History of tho Seyd Sayd, Sultan of Maskat. London, 1819.
Palorave, William Gifford, late of tho 8th Regiment Bombay Nativo Infantry.—Narrative
of a Year’s Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia, 1862-63. London, 1865. (Coutains a
good accouut of Abu Musa.)
Pelly, Lewis, Colonel Sir, H.B.M. Political Resident in tho PG.—Remarks on the Oyster
Beds in the PG. Bombay.
------ A Visit to the Wahabeo Capital, Central Arabia. JRGS. 35. 1865. 180 ff.
Price, Major D.—History of Arabia. 1824.
Rivoyre, Denis de.—Obock, Mascate, Bouchire, Basaorah. Paris, 1883.
Sadlier, G. F., Captain.—Journey from Katil to Yambo, 1819. Transactions Literary
Society, Bombay. 8. 1823. Roprint, Bombay, 1866: Diury of a Journey across Arabia
in 1819.
SalIl ibn RAzik.—History of tho Imams ami Soyyids of'Om&n from 661 to 1856. Translated
from the Arabia by G. P. Badger. London, 1871. (iakluyt Society.
Sprenoer, A.—Die alto Geographic Arabians ulu Grundlage dor Eutwickluugsgesohichte des
Semitismus. Bern, 1875. 314 S. K. Cap. 12: Kilsto von ’Oman uud das Vorgebirge Mosandam,
106-109. Cap. 13: Dio arabiseben Insoln im PMb., 109-122. Cap. 14: Dio arabische Kiiste des
PMb., 122-140.
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