Page 124 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol IV_Neat
P. 124

                     Tab Ant. Chroniquo d'Abou Djnfar Mo'lmmmod bon Djurlr bon Yczld Tabari, truduito sur U
                  version 1 oreauo a Abou Ah Mo hammed Belfimi pur Ilernmnn Solonberg. Paris, 1867 if.
                  r • XAK??’;TJ®cut"         Wfotorbuch, edited by Ferdinand WtlHtcnfold.  G voIh.
                  Leipzig, 18G6-70.
                      ------ Dictionnairo g<$ogTaphiquo, Uistorique, ot littfrairo do la Perso ot dos contnSos
                  adjneentes, oxtrait uu Modjem oi Uouldun do Ynquot, et coinpl<St«S fi l'uido dee documents
                  Arabos ot Porsans pour la plupart imSdits, par Bavbier do Moyimrd. Paris, 1861.
                                              11.—JWtian Gulf.
                     Ainsworth, W. F.—Tho Rivor Kurun,  an Opening to British Coininorco. London, 1890.
                     Bekl, Charles Tilston.—On the Former Extent of the Persian Gulf and on the com­
                  paratively Recent Union of the Euphrates and Tigris. The London and Edinburgh Philosophical
                  Magazine and Journal of Scionco. Now and United Serios. 2 vole. 18111.
                     Bent, J. Theodore.—Tho Bahroin Islands in tho PG.
                     Berqiiaus, Heinrich.—Goo-hydrographischon Memoir  zur  Krkliirung uiid Erliiutorung dor
                  roducirten Karto vom PG. Gotha, 1832.
                     Brenner, Richard.—Porlon- und Fischhandcl dos PG. PM. 1873.
                     Chirol, V.—Tho Middle Eastern Question. London, 1903.
                     COLVILLE, W. II.—Land Joumoy along the Shores of tho Persian Gulf, from Bushiro to
                  Lingah. 18G7.
                     Constable, C. G., Lieutenant.—Memoir on tho Hydrography and the Knowledge wo
                  possess of the PG. Bombay.
                     ------ Account of tho physical geography of tho PG. Bombay.
                     ------ Tho Poreiuu Gulf Pilot. Londou, 1870 and 1893.
                     Curzon, G. N.—Tho K&niu River. Chapt. 25 in “ Persia uud tho Persian Question." 1893.
                  2. 330-387. Fortnightly Roviow, 1890, April, May ; Times, the 4th February, 1890.
                     Durand, Captain nud Sir H. Rawlinson.—The Bahrain Islands. JKAS. 1879.
                     FONTANIER, V. (Vice-Consul do Frauco h Ba<jorah).—Voyage duns l’liide et dans le Golfe
                  Persique, dec. Paris, 1844.
                     Frede, P.—La Pechc aux Perles en Perso et & Ccylau. Paris, 1890.
                     Kanitz, F.—Yerbinduugsprojokt dos PG. mit dom Mittelmoor. Mitthoil. k. k. geogr. Gcs.
                  Wien, 1870.
                     Keber, A.—Dor PMb. in Ersch und Grubers Allgomeincr Enoyclopiidio dor Wissonschafton
                  und Kiinste. 3. Section.
                     Kempthorne, G. B., Lieutenant.—Notes made on a Survey along tho Eastern Shores of the
                  PG. iu 1828. Paper read 8th Juno, 1835.
                     Kloeden, G. A. VON.—Porlfischeroi im PM. Vossischo Zeitung, 1881. Sountagsboilago No. 37.
                     Oesterkeicher, von.—Dor PG. Oesterroichische Monatsschrift fiir don Oriout. 1877. No. 12.
                     Pblly, Lewis, Lieutenant-Colonel.—Report on the Tribes, Trade, and Resources around of
                  the Shore lino of the PG. Calcutta, 1874. Political jurisdictions: (1) Directly uuder tho Shab,
                  but administered by Arab Chiefs; (21 directly uuder Shall himself; (3) farmed oy Shah to Sultan
                  of Maskat; (4) directly uuder Sultun of Maskat; (5) independent Arub Chiefs (formerly tho
                  pirates); (6) Turkish dependencies; (7) directly Turkish; (8) Chaab Arabs (Bandar MoschOr).
                  Description of Harbours: Hindijin, 45; Dilam, 41; Righ, 44; Bushire, 4G; Linga, 52;
                  Bandar Abbas, 53 bit 55; IIormGz, 55; Kishm, 57 ; Ilingftin, 57 ; maritimo Arabs, 65; Bahrein, 68 ;
                  Bussorah, 77.
                     ____ A Visit to Lingah, Kishm, and Bunder Abbas. JRGS. 34. 18G4. 251-58.
                     ____ Account of a Recent Tour round tho Northern Portion of the PG. TBonib. GS. 17.
                  1865.  113-140. (Koweit, Katr, Muchur, Rohilla.) K.
                     RUGE, SOPHUS.—Bahrein-Insolu. Welthandel. 2. 1870.  193 ff.
                     ____ Dio Perlenfischeroi im PMb. Welthandel. 2. 1870.
                     Sculagintweit, E.—Dio Uferstuatou dcs PG. Globus, 1876.
                     Sciiweioer-Lerchenfkld, Amand Frhr. von.—Culturbilder vom PG.  Oestorroicliischo
                 Monatsschrift fiir den Orient. 1878. No. 5, 6, 11.
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