Page 121 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol IV_Neat
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                                      APPENDIX (0).


              I.— General Historical and Geographical Works which deal incidentally with the Persian Gulf.
               Albuquerque, Bras, d’.—Commentarios tie gnuidu Alfonso d’Albuqucrquo. Lisboa, 1557.
               Alexander, James Edward.—Travels from India to England, comprehending a visit to the
           Burmese Empire and a journey through Persia, Asia Minor, Europeau Turkey, &c. With
           sketches of natural history, manners, and customs, and illustrated with maps and plates.
           London, 1827.
               Barbaro, J., and A. Contarini.—Travels to Tanu and Persia. Translated by Charles
           Gror. A Narrative of Italian Travels into Persia in the 15th and 16th centuries. Hakluyt
           Society. • 1673.
               Barros, Joao de.—Asia.  Dos feitos quo os Portugucscu fezortto no descobrimento et
           conquista dos mares ot terras do Oricnto. Em Lisboa. Jorge Rodriguez. 1628.  3 vols.
               Benjamin, S. G. W., late Minister of the United Stutes ol America to Persia.—Persia and the
           Persians. With portrait. London, 1887.
               Bizarus, Pietrus.—Rerum porsicannn historia. Initia gcutis, mores, instituta, resque
           gestae usque ad haec terapora complectens. Fraucoforti, 1601.
              Blunt, A.—A Pilgrimago to Nojd and our Persian Campaign. With maps, portr., ill.
           London, 1885. 2 vols.
              Buckuardt, J. L.—Notes on the Bedouins aud Wahabees. Loudon, 1830.
              Oastanheda, Lopez, de.—Historia do descobrimento o conquista da India polos Portuguese*.
           Lisboa, 1833. 8 vols.
              Chardin, Jean.—Voyages de M. le Chevalier Chardin on Perse ot autrus lieux de 1'Oriont.
           Amsterdam, chcz Jeun Louis de Lorrac. 1711. 10 vols.
              Cowper, H. Swains.—Through Turkish Arubia. A Journey  from the Mediterranean to
           Bombay by the Euphrates and Tigris Valleys and the Persian Gulf. Two raapa Loudon, 1894.
              Curzon, George N., the Honourable.—Persia and the Persian Question. London, 1892.
           The Persian Gulf. 397-468.
              Dieulahoy, Jean.—La Perse, la Chaldee, et lu Susiauc. Paris, 1887.
              Eden, Richard.—The History of Truuayle in the West ami East Indies and other couutreys
           lying eyther way, as Moscovia, Persia, Arabia, Syria, &c. Gathered in parte aud done into
           huglysne. Newly set in ordor, augmented and finished by Richard Walles. Loudon, 1577.
           R. Juggcs.
              Fabrioius, B.—Der Periplus des crythniischeu Meeres.  Von einem Unbekaunteu.
           Griochisch uud Deutsch. Mit kritischen und erklareudon Aumerkungen uchst vollstUudigcui
           Worterverzeichuiss. Leipzig, 1883.
              Filippo, Patre, di Santa Trinity.—Viuggi orieutali. Venice, 1676.
              Fraser. J. B.—Historical aud descriptive Account of Persia, including a Description of
           Afghanistan aud Beloochistan. Edinburgh. 1831. III. K.
              Goldsmid, Frederic J.—Telegraph and Travel in Persia. A narrative of the formation and
           development of tolographio communication between Engluud and India, with incidental notices
           of the countries traversed by the line. London, 187-1.
              Gorlacu, Benjamin.—-Der beodeu Kib-Furstenlhilmer Schwciduitz und Juucr Luudes
           Bestelltens, des Herrn Heinrichs von PoHer und Gross Ncdlitz Lebons- und Todes-Geschichte,
           worinneu das Tagebuch seiner Reise von Coustantuiopel aus durcli die Bulgamy, Armonien,
           Permen,^und Indien. Ans Lieoht gestellct von (lessen Soliuc 11. v. Poser, sonstdein GeprUfotcn.
              Herbert, Tiiomas.—Some Years' Travels into Africa aud Asia tho Great. Especially
           descnbmg the famous Empires of Porsiu uud ludustunt. London, 1638.
              Houssayk, Frederic.—La Structuro du sul et son iufluuuce sur la vie des homines. Etudes
           sur la Perse^mdridionulo. Annales do Geographic. 1894. 278—95.
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