Page 89 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol IV_Neat
P. 89


                                         at present worked by the tribes within our Pro­
                                          tectorate might, if challenged, be defended with a
                                          reasonable chance of success.
                                           “ There remains, however, the caso of foreign
                                          exploitation of deep waters outside the sphere in
                                          which wo bolieve that it may be shown that
                                          fmmemorial usage and occupation have con­
                                          ferred prescriptive rights. In this still wider
                                          area we doubt whether wo possess claims in sup­
                                          port of which wo could appeal to any law or
                                          international practice, and we fear that possible
                                          detriment to the pearl banks in which we hold
                                          prescriptive rights would furnish no valid ground
                                          for objecting to legitimate forcigu enterprise
                                          outside the sphere of Arab occupation; but. by
                                          authorizing tko Chiefs to abstain from all inter­
                                          course with such interlopers, and to utilize the
                                          powers which they possess of interdicting the
                                          importation of foroign diving appliances, of
                                          refusing to lend any assistance in men, boats, or
                                          in any other form, or, if necessary in the last
                                          resort, of removing any such foreigner from their
                                          territories, we might succeed in putting such
                                          serious impediments in the way of such enter­
                                          prises as would discourage outsiders frem
                                          eugaging in them.
                                            “The question is fortunately not oue in which
                                          wo aro at presout called upon to decide as to the
                                          exact nature of the rights or tho precise limits of
                                          the jurisdiction which the several Chiefs possess,
                                          and which we, as the paramount Power, are
                                          hound to assert and maintain on their behalf ;
                                          but in view of tho possibility of further attempts,
                                          whether by Uritish Companies or by foreign
                                          capitalists, we think it advisable to he prepared
                                          in advance. We shall, therefore, be glad to
                                          know whether His Majesty’s Government concur
                                          in tho views above sot forth, and to receive any
                                          instructions which it may bo deemed advisable
                                          to issue for the guidance of our local officers in
                                          the event of renewed adventures of a more
                                          determined character.”


                                           “ We were honoured with your Lordship's com­
                                          mands, signified in Sir Eldon Gorst’s letter of
                                          the 19th October last transmitting to us the
                                         accompanying papers, relative to tho questiou of
                                          tho 8tops to be tuken to prevent foreign inter-
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