Page 286 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 286


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     a hotel & kept on saying how much money he had. There must have been a good deal of misunderstanding
     because some of the things HH said could not have been said by Hay - if in his right mind. HH summed up
     that he was a nice man. personally, not like G.P, but evidently got wrong ideas from other people, especially
     people who wished to make trouble between HH & myself about money etc.

     Wednesday 4th September

     A great many people to see & a meeting of the food comittee which went off quite well though Sh A didnt
     turn up. Gahan came to say that his company cabled that they wouldnt now undertake the telephone scheme,
     owing to high cost, part of it is their own new building & I fancy that affects the situation more than
     anything. Saw one of the boys from Cairo, quite a bright seeming lad, also Cochrane & various other people.

     Drove to Siddad in the afternoon & back by Sellaq road. Had a bathe in the sea & then in the bath house.
     Dick Snow & Meikle came to dinner. Quite a good mixture, discussed various matters that Meikle had
     wanted to talk about when he came in the morning affecting the medical Dept. They stayed quite a long
     time. Rather a hot evening.
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