Page 289 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 289





    a                                                         1945






 s n         then to Hedd where we saw the Biladya office & tried to see the school but couldnt get in. After dinner

             bathed at Sanyan. Rather a damp sticky day.

             Monday 9th September

             Fort. Court, not very long. Had a look at the work on west flat. It is going on very slowly. The worst of
             Tunnicliffe is that he is too thorough & so slow. Had Thompson in to lunch. Didnt go out after tea as I had a
             meeting to discuss Church affairs, Grant, Meikle, Burton, Dick Snow, Miss Adamson, Mylrea, Ball &
             Gahan, it went on a long time & the concensus of opinion was that we should wait a year. After dinner went
             to Sanyan for a bathe. Lovely moonlight night, the water like glass.

             Tuesday 10th September

              HH didnt come having gone to his island for a rest from worries - mostly I think his relations. Sh
              Mohammed came in, rather sour, next time he will be cadging money. He brought the mad son who sat &
             grinned. Hamed b Abdulla came in & stayed some time telling about his stay in the Lebanon, a nice young
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