Page 287 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 287








   n        Thursday 5th September

            A most unpleasant day, hot, damp, south wind & heavy clouds which alter midday produced quite a sharp

   *3       fall of rain, so much that there were pools of water on the streets - very unusual. Spent most of the day at the
            Fort, nothing important but a good deal of local stuff. Saw Tunnicliffe who seemed less gloomy. No news
            of Leigh. To Jidda after lunch, very bumpy & felt decidedly unwell on the launch. Dont think it was
 - v        altogether the sea. All well at Jidda, the trees seem to have grown in the fortnight I have been away. Walked
            round the garden, my tree seeds are coming up & the tamarisks are shooting. A strong, not cool, south wind
 : 3

            Friday 6th September

             At Jidda, queer weather, very hot & stuffy in the morning so much that everyone complaining of it - one
             sweated if walking a few yards. Spent some time at the jail & the rest of the morning in the sea, then at 3.30
             a terrific thunder clap followed by a violent wind & strong rain, the sea in a minute from being dead calm
             became covered with white waves, most of the time the sun out as well. So unusual for the time of year. I
             hope no boats are lost its the sort of sudden storm that gets them. The storm stopped as suddenly as it   came
             & sea at once became calm again though still heavy clouds over Bn.
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