Page 38 - DILMUN 8
P. 38
His Highness Shaikh ﺝs ﻻbin Suamln ﻝA Klairfa
nAir of the State o٤ Bahrain.
Ediorial 8 The Seoiety would like to emhasies the
coitinual suort of the Ministyr of Education
and the material and assistance it has rovided.,
The Minsitry of information has asked
the Scoiety to assist in fhe roduction of a iflm
on Bahrain, hsowing the archaeological sites
Through the energy and enthusiasm of and rtaditional way of litfe in Bahrain.
Te Scoiety would yet again like to thnak
our new resident, the Society this year has
Gu٤l weekly Mirror for its full suort for the
now taken on a number of additional maior ..Scoiety and hoe this, will ٠continue in the
rojects. ٠'
' It si as a result of tihe hotogrihie roject :future. : ٠" ٠٠٢:٠ ."
'that an Ehibition hasbeehi laiihed 'to b& hield • ' ﻭ٠٠ We ٠, would , like٠ ٠to٠ thank rMs ،Giace
i ﻭBahirain at٤ the end' o; Noveribe. ' The ،،Burkholder, Mr;،AbdulKader A1-Takriti,,Mr Ali
hotograbihs and bsi aid ik'ariwings 'wil Al:Doy;-»iBrofesosr ٠,Donald ac,h Mr mhAed
illustrate' " Bahriii's ''Architeetiiril"HeHitige .Ghuloo,m and, the ،Ministyr of Ifnormation for
and Culture ": To add iiteiesi istuil'bjests theri :contributiosn to. this u ﺭblication. Secial
will be dislayed with the; oﻑfogiahs ' or ' thanks،,also0 to,.Mrs,nAne Homfay who. was
drawings. ٠resonsible٠,for the ،lay-out and Mrs Toni Ber
'Te Ministry '٤ ﺫInterior has ' ikindly ٠nardy ،and.Mr Mohmaed ،Murad; roof
arranged for aerial hotograihs to be tiken of ،readnig thie .nglish. and. Arabie tets. ٠
ail the' archaeological s'ites in Bahrii, ﻑa 'well ٠ ﺍﻡ٠٠ ﺃ٠٠١٠ )
٠٠٠"٠ '٠١ ﺝ
as the dih ﻡoueﻱ. 'fhese hﻅsﻑtohﺽrsi wil'be ﺍ٠(ﺇ٠
given 't6'ths sbiefy: ﻲﻟ،ﺩ٤٠ ٠: : ٤ ﺩ.٠٠ dEiotr aMagrireet G. Coday
٠ﺍ ﺹﻟﺎ٧٠
1 ٠٠, ﺭﻭﺍ٠ﻭ٠ cﺑﻴﺦ "ﺯ ﺇ"&ﻡ: ٠٤١2٦" ٠١٦"٠0١٠٦٦٥ "٠١٠٦٠٠٢٠ ٠
esident ﺃﺍ ﻡ , ؟. io,. ﻣﺎﺫﻍ ﻨﻛﻖaaBﻑrﻩnﻣi ﻒﻡ
.•• Mr., Kﻝaldﺏ ﻉyaiﺝi.-
iie ﻭ،iesident .iMsﺝ. Shﺝhrasadﺃ, Yatmee ٠ ,hte 195ﺝﺝsh.Tees sealsrwere esud ﻡi Brhania yb
eSeretyra ﺭ. srM, .aMggireet Coady • ﺇtradesr 4,000 yesra gao..
'Teasurer ٠٠ rM. John Holden,, ٠٠٠١٠٠٠: { ﻭeBul's HeTad foaud atﺇtheﻭTie Bfﻉarhb ﻥ
ﺍ ﻻ ٠'. (ﺍ٠٠ jin Bahrani, dates from ab25٤ﺑﺎ ig,,
ﺃ ﻭﺍ٠ﺍ ﺍ٠ ٠ ﻭ٤ﻻ ٩, The stone iwth a cunefioir, fonud.i ﻡBrhania
ﺃ٠ ﺍ٠ﺍ ﻡ٠ ﺍ٠ ﻝﻱ " ﺃ٠١ ٠"٠
ﺍ iin hte 19ht geguyr,.etsﺇl e"th؟vf ﻥris٤na#ﻱhte
Honﻑﻭy،rMebers.٠ '٠ ٠ ٠٠٠ ٤١٠ ! igod af؟.i' ﺒﺒﻇﻬﻢso i ' ﻭBabyiﻧﺔoﻑa
ff:' E'sAiﻍki AbiilaizMelﻑea':Ai-Riaiit.a igod'-lisst as the rincial; gio ﻥ٤ ،ilﺹu. "laee
oRimu,mﺇeyai o٤ﺝeh:gt ﻕkani, of hte
Si Mrtier weele; c.H, ﺯT,, C.1.E, 'C. {tﺯbe of Aﻭamu' ..: .
{ﻱe @ﻭﺏ.ﻓﺎeﺇﺫfrug: Shﻭts ' ﺕA.- ﻋﺞsm:ﺏ
+ﺃ ﻭ iiﻦﻓﻕ:ﻑﻲﻔﻴﻳgiihieﺓ. eﺙiieoin' ﺗﻦrgge;' "
Mr, Thomag،(oeggreyBﺯby. ' ﺃ ﻭ٠"ﻣﺮ ﺍ {ﺅﺗﻲiAﻳﺆsﺟﻴﻘﺈ" ﻳﻒisgnit iiane
٠٠ﺍ٠.١ ١ i"ﺔﻴﻑﻗs "oﻱﻷﻐﻇﺆﻴﻓaﻲiﻘﻷﻧrﺅﻳﺜt1h1te
Mr. rederiek Day. , cenii&.i5#i٠؟٠١٠ ;