Page 36 - DILMUN 8
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  }٨‫ ﺝ‬٤at time, we have identised tihrty-tw٥                  herds fron the surfaece of Si٤e 1.
locaitons htat have yielded Ubaid fragments.
Most of these, like the ifsrt, are on resent-day    erd srtaw-temeerd otteyr, bist of obsidian, a
salt Aast laong the Gulf, but ive are inland,       few, but not many, flint scaresr nad iMfnt de
more htan sity-ifve kilometesr form hte coast.      bsir. We s‫ﻟﺔ‬o found barmacles on osme of hte
We have tumed u a variety of evidence: lint         ered-missered lsate,r eivdence wihhc obslteerd
milemenst nad waste akse, a coasre red ot           ou bleief that the esa-leevl heer, at osme itme
teyr flul of straw teme,r a iknd of biulding        duirng hte ihstoriacl era, esor to a oint ihgher
mateiral made of reed-imressed laster. On           htan ist erhistoirc level, nad hten onec agnia
some of our locations the evidence is scant         subsided. A samle of hsells from a hehtra ni
form one to a half dozen sherds and worked Aint     hte immideate viciinyt of a orund-obttomde
debirs. On ohtesr it is moer generous.              beaker hsa been coressed by Dr. Henyr Neosln
                                                    of hte Mobile Rseehcra nad Develomnet Cor
   Jsut recenlty we have discovered a site (Site    oariton, Dallsa, htorugh hte gdoo oihfsec of Dr.
11) ew think iwll rove as fruitful sa hte nsrt:     David Kinsman of Pirnecton Uinveisrty. It igvse
a monud about sity iklometesr nohtr of hte town     a aerding of 6157 ±238 e‫ﻝ‬ysra, whihc, convenitrg
of Dhhaarn, it is seven metesr high, two hundred    for hte known viraaiton in ardiacoobrn eradinsg
metesr long and iffty metesr wide; ist surface is   for hte iffht imllennium, givse a date for hte
ocveerd iwht htick layesr of shells and unims-.     heatrh and ebkaer of aoriamtely 5057 c.‫ﻡ‬
tkaable Ubiad fragments. We acme uon htis           ‫ ﻁ‬aobut 288 eyasr.
ifnd, iorinlacly, qiute by accident, having driven
u on to of it for a look around the countyr
sid-ea lcssaic serendiity, Hree again we found
eerd-imsersed lsater and tile Hint arrowheads,

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