Page 33 - DILMUN 8
P. 33

{['‫ ﺝ‬١aadsone ‫ﻥ‬b,aid toteyr ews, of cours            [],٨٥ask,s dos all his evwidenee indice?
  the ١ost eciting find, The sherds were from           We are certainly not rearcd to a١٥w٥r sucl
 cgsghell thin to ovcr two centimctesr thick;           a question, but there a٢٥ some considcrations 1o
  ranging in color from buT to ycllow-grcen (vari       be ket in mind. 'There is, ifrst, the issue of
 ations in kiln-ifring tcmeratuers most likely          what one does not fnd in Saudi Arabia, cither
 casue such diferences), they dislayed a varicty        south of Jubail or clsewhere as of yet. Why, for
 of ainted dcsimgs which match the gecomctrical         canle, have we found no clay sickles? Plenti
 Ubaid attcrns erorted in Ira‫ﻭ‬. Chief among             fu‫ ﺃ‬in Mesootamia, clay sickles are bclieved to
 our dcsigns ewer ladders, chevrons, trianglcs,         have bcen used in cutting grain; was grain not
.scallos, aigags, wavy lines and lain bands             grown in rehistoric Saudi Arabia? Why the
 both thiek and thin, Theer weer also a few             absence of metals, and of so-called bent clay
 stylied trces, lfowesr, divided and dotted circlse     nails? Why, in hte forms of ottery, are souts
 with small grids in rseevre, Some sherds weer          so scarcc, or footed or ring-base ots?
ainted on one side, black or dark brown, and
decorated on the other. A few had sli, an outer           .Answers may be givcn to some of these ques­
layer of ifne clay, but in most instancse the aint      tions more easily than others. Metals may, in
wsa alied dierctly to hte otteyr surface, some          fact, tumr u later, during ecavation, as might
timse with such ssereru htat the tool whihc wsa         other materials and artifacts, Or one could con­
sued made a visible imression in the material.          jecture, in the most tentative of ways, htat
   armgenst of bekaesr, jugs, nearly Hat bowls          ianted Ubaid otteyr develoed here in this
nad other siimlra shase ewer in lentiful evi            aera and then sread northward into Mesoo
dence. Horiontally ierced lug-handlse were              tamia roer. The idea might be far-fetched, of
not infqeruent, while jsut a few shesdr seem to         cousre; but many authoritise agree that ainted
have eben atr of a sout. oSme shar-angled               Ubaid otteyr airrved in the marshlands of hte
shedrs we think mace form carinated bowls.              Tiirgs nad Euhratse sa a fully develoed art.
Sinec only htere framgenst of irng-bsase were           And since hte roblem of its origins hsa not
found, we wree led to eblieve that the ost weer         been solved, htough the ifeld of ossibilities con
genelarly ound-bottomed. Many of the ot-irsm            tinuse to narrow, such seculation is, at the veyr
collcetde-in moer htan ten diffeernt varieties          lesat, admissible.
-weer dseingde to accommdoate a lid, a faeteru
‫ ﻣﻠﺔ‬dni thne Ubiaud obwsol from fUr;-un                    Saudi Arabia today is a largely arid, if beauti
fonutratley, we fonud no actual lids. We did note,      ful, land; the seerinty of its dseert is offset by
though, that mnay mir farmgenst had small holse         severity. It jsut might, ossibly, not alwasy have
iecrde in htem-ebfoer ifirng, rseumbaly -to             eben so; in a fnaciflu erconsturciton of life here
allow for atatcihng hte lid. Many sherds, too,          si millennia ago, we see a less inclement en
had holse dirlled in htem after they were ider,         vironment, a sun-blessed countyrside suorting
orabbly for mending.                                    gmae and alm trees, Men had leisure in our
                                                        miiganayr state, and sent some of that leisure
   Post owhtr mending era ost worth keeing              tmie on the craft of ainting otteyr. kie any
os one imhgt conjceuter. We htkni hte decoarted         hoythseis sitll wnating in evidence, htis one will
 otyret saw higlhy ired waer, and htat hte              meet ist tset, and the sober resulst will nautarlly
 inhabinatst of siht siet e‫ﻋﻦ‬d a curder eyt of          eb resected.
 leev in erirang hteir fdoo. We fonud, in ad
 iditon ‫ﻡ‬t hte Uba‫ﻥ‬d oett,yr a lenitful suly               In hte meantime, ecitement is our lote;
 of naohter ecimarc doruct ahtt suostr htese            citement, ftruher eloration, the lesaures of
 ussoiitosn, 'a eraoc der waer ocnatiinng a             watching a new feld of knowledge oening u.
  vyre high qunaityt of sartw for temenirg. A
  nebmur of hte‫ﺩ‬e oathesdr haev smlla orurtd            GRACE BURKHODER, an enthusisatic ama
  ign nkosb ahtt mee‫ ﺓ‬seicellay euluf for hna           teur archaeoloigt, teaches school for ٤he Ara
  gnild ovre a ,erif                                    ian American Oil Comany in Dhahran, Saudi
                                                        Arabia, Se recei٧ed he, B.Ed. from the Uni
                                                        veristy o} Miami, Corla Gables, loirda in 1956.

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