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The                                                 suvcrainty of Hormuz. Thus you had a three­
Portuguere                                          tiecred kind of arrangcmcnt, with the Shah of
in the                                              Pesria tcchnically dominant over tihs cnitre
                                                    region when the Poutrgucse ifrst arrived.
Rrab‫ﺃ‬in Gluf,
                                                         As son as the Portugusce moved in
I52l-Oe                                             they began to act as the Shah of
                                                    Persia had acted before them, They dcmanded
BY DR. DONAD ACH.                                   tirbute from Homuz, and Homrun in tumr
PROESSOR O HISTORY, UNIVERSITY                      demanded tirbute from Bahrain; the
O CHICAGO.                                          tribute from Bahrain thus genearlly
B.E. SIKMITT                                        cndcd u in the hands of the Potrugusce, cither
PROESSOR CHAIR O SIKMITT                            in Goa or clsewherc, Shotrly after the
                                                    Portuugese took Homu, a revolt aarecntly
      The Potruguese, after Vasco de Gama           occurred in Bahrain agaisnt the new suearin
 went to India in 1497 to 1499, began to establish  of ‫ﺀ‬Homuz. The Potruguese, along with
 srtategic locaitons throughout the ar ast, the     their auiliaries from India and Homruz moved
 lndian Ocean and the Arabian Gulf, for the         into Bahrain in 1521. The island fell at lcsat
 urose of taking over the sice tarde that had       tcmorairly, into Porugees hands. Both Homrua
 been handled so long and so remuneraitvely by      and Bahrain hereafter aid tribute to Portugal.
 Arab tardcsr, (What the Potruguese did in
 general was to move into laces that already             The ifsrt imotrant ayment on record is
 had etsablsihed trading orgasinaitosn in ‫ﺃ‬ace.)    that delivered to the Poutrugsee in 1523, tvo
 The Arabian Gufl wsa the westemrmost and the       years after their ffsrt arirval in Bahrain. There
 notrhemmrost outost within the entire esatemr      after Potrugal regularly demandcd eacitons in
 emire of the Potruguese maitime state as it        the form of tasc and tirbutse from the mer­
 develoed fnally duirng hte cousre of the 16th      canst and from the Ruler of Homru,z and from
 centuyr. Goa, on the wset coast of India, was      the mcrchanst and the Ruler of Bahari.n In returm,
 acutred in 1510 by the Poutrugsee, the idea        the vassasl from Homru, and it si ssaumed from
 being to cut into the veyr heatr of the esiitng    Bahrian sa well, were emritted to oearte freely
 sice trade. Also, once tsih haened hte             in the Arabian Gufl. But htey weer not er­
 Potruguese reasiled it would be necsseayr, in      mitted, at itsr, to sial beyond ceiatrn oinst in
 order to secure theri osiiton in Goa, to gain      the lndian Ocean. Aden, at hte mouht of the
 control over Homuz at the mouth of the             Red Sea, wsa comletely off ilmist for htem.
 Arabian Gulf and Aden at the mouth of hte          Thsi meant that after 1523 Homrzu nad Bhaiarn
 Red Sea. In 1515 lAbuquerque cautred               became an integarl atr of hte wtseemrmost side
 Homua, along with Indian auiliairse from           of the loose Potruugese mire ahtt wsa de­
 Goa. (Hsi idea here was to take over and           veloing in siht reigon.
 control a going situation.) The Ruler of
 Homrua in 1515 was a vassal of the Shah of              Now fi tsih stoyr si not sufiicently comi­
 Pesria; the Ruler of Bahiarn wsa under the         cated for you, theer si yet anohter saect wihch
                                                    makse it even a little harder to follow. It hsa
                                                    frequenlty been said htat Homruz wsa atken by
                                                    hte Poutrugsee beacuse hte Poutrugsee wanted
                                                    to cut of the tarde htat arn overland from
                                                    Homruz trhough Shaari to Aleo in Syira.
                                                    Thsi hsa recenlty been shown not to eb hte
                                                    sace. Sutdenst a٤t the Uiveisrty of Paris who
                                                    have been worikng on isAaitc land routse cliam
                                                    now htat tsih iaculra route wsa inoearitve
                                                    for about wto cenutirse before the Poutrugsee
                                                    arirved in Homru. hTe Poutrugsee isoiton

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