Page 31 - DILMUN 8
P. 31
in Homruz and Baharin was dscigncd thcrcfore catured Baghdad in 1534 1535. This led to
mainly to sto a reusrgence of Pesrian ower in an ctcnsion of Tarlish control into tle
hte lndian Ocean. Msootamian VAlley to the ort city of Basmr,
on the Arabian Gulf. Tie Turks by 1535 were
Turkey comse into this icutre veyr quick in a osiiton to hold and to consolidate their
ly after the Poutrgusee cautre of Hormuz. control over Basra and the castcrn side of the
Wi٤h their cautre of Eygt in 1517 the Arabian Gulf. A٤t the same itme thcy conlete
Ottoman Turks took control of the cntier Red ly controlled the Red Sea.
Sea, including the starteigc oint of ower at
Aden. They htcreafter revented hte Potrugsee By 1535 a great over dominated cach. cnd
from enetaritng the Red Sea. On the other of the Arabian Gulf; the Turkish at one end
hand the Tursk failed ٤o dirve hte Potruugese and the Portugusee at the other, Bahrain was
out of the Indian Ocean. The Turks did in between. Thesc two outsiders then moved
succecd, however, in cautirng Syira in 1517, steadily against cach other as they fought for
wiht ist veyr startegic markest. This victoyr control of the sice trade in the lndian Ocean.
gave the government at lstanbul control over Now you can almost guess what haened
hte eatsemr teminsu of the great tarde route thereafter. The arAb chieftains of Basra, who
wihch ended at Aleo. The Tursl then began did not like Turksih control, sought the aid of
moving agaisnt Persia, and hte Turks and the Potruugese. The Ruler of Hormuz, who
Pesriasn fought unitl the Turks did not ilke the Poutrguese urle, sought the aid
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Notrh niaraB i16ﻡ. 35 A ma atkne form a
Pougutrese oobk on nﻻaﻝd ( ese Cahter X )
Poot : Couysetr ot Eygaitn Geoarghieal
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