Page 300 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 300
given facilities to return to their hemes in seirch The itainicn of the Persian Oclf Slcatn \
of w*rfc, and Bahrain started the winter with a Ration Co;*., L.J., from Bombay call 0U*^V
lower population than it has bad for many years. IIIVD L
- the steamers calling agufn 0n doivni*-}
Some 4,000 persons died of plague during tbe late voyage
winter and spring, ami many more fled.
Freights are now as follows
Tie'livers who remained showed great ad
aptability ; some relief was given in charity, and To India (Komlwy or Knraebf) Vy Pr’.tMi l„i:.
many merchants, takiug advantage of low wa^cs, S'te-un Navigation Coj. . It*, to ?0i.
laid in large stocks •••f building stone thu6 giving Fr .n IuJia (liouji.y or Karachi) 1C*, to JO*.
employment to many. Calcutta 3*. to 5*. prr Vif of Tit* (|.cV|j
To London by lL-ilI»h Icdia, tranthi }>u«c.t at Boicbit
Openings for British Trade.—The tra<le of Sv-ac'.i
the Bahrain Isl-.nJs is to a groat extent in tbe • tt*. pi r tox
hand* of ITinda, Indian Muh.mmauan and General remarks on Trade.—The follovj-,
IVrriaci merchants, who have boon settled in ‘.hesc tables sh«i\v the movements of general mercl -
Islands for a century, and thus by far the grea dise aj compared with pearls an.d specie
ter (onion of the trade is with India.
Me&frs. Gray Paul and C-., the British India
Age-ts, is the only British firm. The one Ger Imports.
man firm in B;-.hraiu was closed in November.
The absence of direct communication with the TotiJ of; General.
United Kingdom ar.d consequent high freights Sl-cif J Mir- . 7.
htili handicap British trade, and there dc-c# uot Y «•*.*. Specie. Pc»rl«. aui cbaiid- 2- -
to oe any opening for another British pca-.-k ix-.
linn. .
Customs.—Tbe arrangements for larding and £ £ £ * , f
delirering cargo are now working satisfactorily. 1513-2314 .366,115 531,134 837,252 j 5*0,373'ly:..
The tariff is fixed by treaty at o per cent ad
ruhrcjn, and at the present time the customs 1314-2315 1*5.319 77/J33 213,U52 545fite Jlb-t
w.ui £5 being carried on for the Ruler of Bahra :
in by s*n Indian (Hindu) firm, a member of which j
acts as- the Director. Pert*c.ti«w* of 62-7 -85-5 -762 -«*4 :_c-
isc-tue or
Inquiries Regarding Trade,—The Political dicn-sie os
Agent will be very glad to answer any Inquiries jettiaiM
regarding trade from merchants in the United y**r.
Kiigdom through the Commercial Intelligence
Branch of the Board of Trade. Inquiries from
India should be made through the Director-.
General of Commercial Intelligence at Calcutta. Exporta.
Time would probably be saved by addressing the
latter official direct, as information on most I
ordinary subjects is available in hi* records. Tc.
Year. Specie. J Pearl*. is;-*
Shipping and Communications.—Shipping has
nalaradly been greatly upset by the war » will
be saen from the table annexed, and the Hamburg-
America Line has of course ceased to run. Only £ \ £ £ £ r
62 vessels entered the port during tbe year 105,343 1,461,2931,5S6,«»5 lS3^7f ji;* '
against 86 in the previous year. 19LX-1914
The Arab Steamers Coy., and the Bombay L914-L9L5 245,518 f 79£07 J23^*S J 13S^»
Persian Steam Navigation Coy., have bees ac f
quired by Messrs. Turner Morrison and Coy., a ! J?*
steamer belonging to this Company call? about PttCVStLfC* of 4431-2 —94-6 —TV* —24-6
iicu*‘ or
once every two months. iCBK OB
British India steamers call weekly on tbe up> pnnm
and fortnightly on toe down voyage. JfC.