Page 303 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 303
Imports.—Total Imports ol Principal Articles into Bahrain during; the years
. Table 1913-13 to 191-4-15— contd.
QamiLty. Vain®.
1012-13. 13L3-14. 1014-IS. 1012-13. 1913-14. 1014-15.
£ Z l
pwbler^*5*- C50 1*00 7J0-; i.yx) Decrease Jve to re
Cattle • • . 5o 51,000 48/00 i4,oo) ; 27.333 39/YW lLS'O ? duced in liv
Goats *uJ 1,173 .1
5.000 21/00 1 407 2,*00 ing owinj so war.
l,rp«l/"'rtnnr 10.2-.0 2,055 G77
1,044 1X4
1S«<uIU . Cwts 12,COO 15/05 10,C 19 GO. 133 55.133 4*519
Off* G.r,r<j
I’.silling material *9/»2 #5 9.110 ?/r.3
Coir snJ Coir rojw . Ot*. 17/(0 6,«3i 13,539 3,42*3 Due to b’ow *0 penrl
dealer* a'^td by
3,410 3,375 60S 4,4-44 6,325 MM
Cotton, ra*
C«r>£*— 11,543 23,131 13,552; 167,533 | Due cbieffr to calling
llice . Tor.*. 117,007 5W,r01
I in of coital by
! Indian lira*.
Wbrst . 99 1.320 1 ,767 1.0-22 11,007 1C,474 6967
TVtcatflour 375 wi; itOj 4,3*3 6;J3y 3.1r'-3
Cjbtr grain* • 5,007 3,355 l/to
Sj\<v* 9,013 9/93 9.772
Cclvsri and joint* 3,17.3 1/15 4€4
1'itfi . Toe*. 1/14 1-2K 14.333 13,701 9/76
i'l'c Jniee . Tins 2/00 1,174 6iO' 4CO 233
Tr^aod MedVic-c* 2.243 6€1
lx-t'-tn and Glassware 6,025 1,370
CLarcoal . . Tons 2,568 1,777 12.622 PJU3
Fir* cod . 4/15 3,734 1.250 4/5-9
Frill and Vegetable 4^4
G:I3 and Silver Thread 7*7
F.C-'rdisUry and Ho*-
UTJ 1.609 3S9
H&rdaareindi Cutlery 13/5o 4795
H.i'i tod Skins . Score* 318 62 9lO 289
Be-* hold Good* H 1,114 S4£
Duche* . Cates C61 703 266 1,547 1/37
iVj and Mat Bag* 2/S7 633
Ferofine . . Oal*. 106/00 <37/00 169,702 3/33 21/40 6/14 Due to <rra>&ocking
and redovad eon-
AD binde , •• 19/20 10/20 2/31 488
Pearl* l.C00.(0O 531,134 77/33 Fide bodj of Report.
Pirfooety , 3/16 6,764 */7»
Piece-Good* per *1/00*
yards. 9,493 103/87 126/01 116/00
Dry Lima
1,067 157 160
Cb« • Cwt*. 8,160 1*7,092 39,420 57,803
Onions , , Tons 753 19/21
Potatoes , 183 6.4&7
Twmieelli : cwt*. 1/58 547
Prori»i1Mof afl 2,537 833 3.406 4.407
Seed*. 10.308 17/03 4/43
Clark %m 4,076 6/37 W
147 74 56