Page 302 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 302

                 Tabic "A”—l.—-Imports—Total Value of Imports from various Countries during the
                                               1912-13 to 1914-15,                     years

                                   Conn trim.                 191M3.     1913-14.   1914-15.

                                                                £          £          t
                 Aden                                           1C7        009
                 Ar^b Co**t                                   649,258    455,373    94,7*4
                  An-tris* II angary                           7.211
                  Bclficm                                      5,333      6,745       7W
                 KglT*                                          253
                 Friort                                         3S0
                 Gertnany                                      9,292     34,494     209OC-
                 Hotjg Koag                                     207
                 India                                        988,784   1,056,616   669.281
                 Julj                                            33
                 l’crsia                                      126,078    128,869    49.2*4
                 .cin^»fore                                    2,734
                 tfvcdta                                         80
                 Turkey                                          86
                 Torkikb Arabia                              493,627     183,417    19.62*
                 United STuigdoa                              17,166
                 United State*                                31,454      9.S67
                 Zanzibar                                      2,394      1,760      3#-l

                                                            2*39,627   1,877,630   75S.41S

                Table ** BL—Imports.—Total Imports of Principal Articles Into Bahrain daring the years
                                               1913-13 to 1914-25.

                                           Quantity.             Valne.
                        Article*.                                                B»UU-
                                     1912-12*  1913-14.  1914-15.  1912-13.   1915-14:  1914-16.

                                                           £      £      £
                  Hone* •      . No.     10     6      l    300    130     28
                  Dcmkej* .             ISO    130    36    1/XO   930    265
                  Caznete .       »»    10     16     10     33     60     38
                  Milch Cow*            20     30            67     95   • ••
   297   298   299   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307