Page 331 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 331
,«n •»_!.—Imports.—Total Imports of Articles into Bahrain during the years
’T*bJC * * 1913-14 to 1915*16.
Quastitt. Valck.
Articles. 1
1913-14. 191-S--5. 1515-16. 1C* 17-11. 1911-15.' 1915-16.
£ £ £
Arinal*— 5 1 130 38 30
Hcrv* • . No. 35 12 1 530 2 A 96
P0C.VrTS • • 130 S3
Coach 16 19 80 ♦X) 320
Xi^hCowi . 99 30 95
gsurf.ter Animals— 1,200 2.F.X) 2,303 1,766
CiVJs . . No. 14/01 660 30,(00 11,200 iorsoo
Goa: ard Sheep ft 4.S.8 0 21,000
R-cltrr - ft 21,2(0 8,SOI 4,100 ^0 1,173 i 627
Irprurtl wearing • 2,616 677 831
JlK-siu 1,044 1,9S 4 i 62
Fiildug material . C-,410 9.203 6.812
C;3.e . . Cato. 13,905 10,09 13,312 63,158 43,513 . 06,773 Slightly increased partly
doc to bettor etaie of the
market and partij to
incrc\3« in prices.
C:ir jed Coir Rope « 17.100 4.3.5 3,651 13^:3 S.I93 3,657 Slighilc increased due to
higa prices.
Cetteu Raw . ft 3,376 €05 2\ 6r3S3 i 1,164 20
Ki* ». . Tons. 3.?,131 13.652-' 18,54113.18..VI 1,C5,55S 2,Sn,93l Vide body of report.
1,757 1,022 879 16,47* 8,967 13,173 DocietaM in quantity d«e
to tie blockade of the
Persaaa ports and ir-crease
in value dr.e to high
V;*a2 Flour. n 5611 2S-3J 264 6,n3> 3,163 4.457
0::er Griins. • i 3,:io> :-.77d
9,8*5 3,344
CeV.n and Paints 1,&3» 410
Bee* . , . . Tons UU *9i5»; 2*372> 13,791 2S,094
Th^J'uiee . _ . . Tins 1,174 850 3,702 31J 1,063
Dnj« and Medicines 2.076 061 907
Eir.bea and Glassware . 3.L76 1,370 938
Cbrrcal . Tons. 1,777 1,256’ 679 9,474 8,312 3.024 Decrease due to low prices
and Less demand.
Hire^d . . . _ 3,734 1,250 1,314 12,1*59 4,950 > 2.804 Docrea-se doe to low prices.
Fret* ard Vegetable , 9m 9.3i^5 4,566 3,707
Gc d »ad Silm i}ixr%i m l.OCO 787 160
J-a-erLulery and Horiery 1,971 389 44
Kvr.w*^ tn^ (juyery v 12346 4,795 757
Hica «xd Skinj . .Score# 318 63 548 1.640 280 2,2S3 Incms^due to less stock
imported daring the
preriorus year.
Ho*fUd Goods . 1,038 848 369
Hattes *384
. Cases 703 266 1,6*0 1,037 231«
K^tacdUat Begs 6JC« 683 863
Gallons. 6,37,200 1,69,792 2,41,360 21,240 5,914 8^18
19^20 6,960 9.397 2,131 488 TVS
^^7 : ... 6,31,134 77,033 U0.300 Vide body of report.
.......................................... 6,7643,173 Wo
"^Gcod* , pej
1000 Yd*; 9,493 8.840J 8,925* 1,26,601 UC,COO 1,4X800 Increase das to high prices.
F. k P, D,