Page 332 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 332
Tabic '• Li.”—I.—Imports.—Totfll Imports of Principal Articles into Bahrain durinr the
1913-14 to 1915-16—contd. years y
Quahtitt. Yxlu*.
Articles. Rratsti.
1913-11.1914-15. 1913-K. 1913-11. 1914-15. 1915-16.
£ £ £
Dry Lirntrs . 157 ICO 913
Gheo . Grtlloa*. 1,87,0C<2 19,000 57,103 57,803 10,321 22.743
Onions • « . T<-cj 753 511 i •-'75’ 6,467 1,121 2.9G9
Potatoes • 1S3 52 1,953 517 256
VormiccrJ . . . .’ Cwia. 2,537 3,291 3,4-'3 4,107
Provisions of all kiuds . 17,o03 -1.113 3,1 SO
Seeds . • 0,637 2,117 1,622
Shark Fins . . Cwls. €9 74 56 luO
Id other OTearl ■ 30 30 16 120 95 52
Idussel 3'.*4 296 212 159
Ojstcr . m 1,613 1,193 473 355
Tortobesbell* _ . 160
Silk aod silk piece goods. 2,780 807 710
Cfindj • • Tons. 70 18 25 752 277 9'“9 f Increase doe to veTyfcigk
Loaf . 846 OSJ 00 8,075 751 1.700 > prices which was causi-i
Soft - m 2.153 1,014 C'75 35,758 17,315 22,771 ) by shonage of stock.
Tallow. .Cwts. •l.O'17 1,809 917 C.879 3,319 1,875
Tea 6,926 6,086 9,415 30,157 26,778 C6.440 Increased import doe to
better demand for foi
ling into Perris l«fcT<
the introduction of tie
Umber aad wood . • 11,205 7,576 3,235
Tobacco . , . . 17,653 10,298 20,067
■Wool and woollen goods. Cwts. 193 *116 2 4,330 2.598 -10
T am and. Twists * 8C7 734 4S3 5.955 -5,291 3,319
Specie . . • 3,66,113 1,36,319 2,39.032 Increase doe to rise ■
pearl market.
9,107 5,091 2,964
Articles not specified above
Gbajtd Total 1,877,6307,58,418 1,172,761