Page 334 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 334

                 TnbJc •• C".—!.—Imports.—Total value of Imports from Principal Countries Into Bahrain Islands};
                                      during the years 1913*14 to 1915-16—contd.
                                                       Qcavtity.               Vaix*.
                     Article* and Countries from whence
                             imported.                 I
                                                 1913-14.  1914-15.  1915-10.  1913-14.  1914-15.  1916-11
                                                                         £       £      £
                   Arab Co»st             Cwts.            295     54    3318   1,187
                   Basra                                                   45            203
                   Germanj •                              7,453          4,701  *5,928
                   India •                                8,841  13,258  •4-^lG  36,4i>4  56,670
                   Porsia .                                              3.158

                Coir and Coir Rope—
                   Arnh Cor^t .             m                      60      10     202
                   India                    m     17,100  4.050  . 3491  13429   3,282  3.577
                   Persia .                                 18   • M              14
                Cotton, Raw—
                   Arab Coa*t                       131     14            244     27
                   Basra   •                        221                   412
                   Belgium •                        15                     23
                   German/ •                        124                   231
                   India •                         2,391   179           4,163    340
                   Forsia •      *                  493    413      n     947     787     20
                   Arab co st.            Torn.      9     163     2C8    132   2,402   4.S0S
                   Basra                   n         3  Owt. 8 Tons. 4$    43      6     57
                   India I                        33,111  13,382 f 18J2G5  34o,Sl9  163,131  276,013
                   Persia                            8      1*      4     :o7     15     a
                   Arab Coast                       24      6             172     42
                   Basra •                 m        27      2             245     20
                  • German j .             »*        3                     32
                   India                   w      1,651    450     333  13,423  4,402
                   Persia                 • m       62     695     546    cus    4,503
                 Wheat Floor—                                                            57
                   Arab Co«»4              w        n       1      3*      19      6
                   Basra   .                        18              6     196      1    CM
                   India                   m        530    277     254   *638    3,048   U
                   Persia                           12      9             157     106
                 Other Gtsii                                                             6«
                   Arab Coast*                                             54      3    1,661
                   Basra   •                                              €74      2     994
                   India   •                                             I.8U     464    639
                   Persia                         494                     755     797
                   Arab Coast                                                      1
                   Basra                          444                                   3*332
                   India                                                        7,768    14
                   Persia                         h«
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