Page 340 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 340
Table " A —II Exports.—Total value of exports to various countries during the years
to 1915-16. t
Counlric*. 1913-11. 11*14-16. 1916-16.
£ £ £
Adn Cfl
Arab Coist 95.371 83,863 48.321
Eaiea • 19,559 3.908 4,667
G CT31VEJ 1.130 1.S07
lad* . 1,567,566 317,849 293,621
Peni» . 64,799 62,109 22.294
Sinppor* 1/135 • ••
Monbisa ICO • ••
United Kingdom 902 IM
Zr-iuibar 510 88
Gsjlsb Toth l«740rOC6 •461,624 368.903