Page 342 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 342
Tabic '• 0*’.—H.-Hxports.—Total Experts ol Principal Articles from Bahrain during the
1913-14 to 1915-16-comfiL
Quantity. Vnlao.
Articles. Remarks.
1913-14. 1914-15. 1915-16. 1912-14. 1914-16. 1916-16.
& £ £
MifCcTan-rcns —
Chiu, Euthen and gU w
wire • 225 20* • 86
Progs nnl medicine* m 201 F
Hides ml fVins . Scores 676 336 360 3,SI0 2,201
HoukLoH goods • 4*3 2S3
ilats &=>dmat bags 2 16 22
Matches . • 850 476
Pcrfair.er7 . lfis) 885 14
Sharif, as Cwta 150 267
Timber sad wood . 1.173 **C63 f 221
Ha»dware 1,939 1,682 ' F 434
Artie’e* tot specified, aloro 1,533 426 393
Gbajtd Tctai, ••• 1,7-10,0!8 4C1.C24 363,903