Page 345 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 345
,C/»—II—nxports.—Totnl value of Hxports to Principal Countries from Bahrain Islands
^Tablc *
during the years 1913-14 to 1915*16—antd.
Qca>titt. Vx LUB.
Ailiclci Countries to whifh
1613*14. 19U-15. 1915-35. 1913-14. 1914-15. 1915-16.
£ £ £
Arab Coast • Gallons 70,500 42.418 33,510 2.GU 1,178 1,2.0
Persia • n
AH kinds —
Arab Coast • •• 420 129
Persia . 4 73
Arab Coast 980 1,221 2
Basra 824 bll 2
Persia 853 651 SO
S-gsr, Soft, Loai and Candy—
Arab Coast • » . Tons. 216 55 28 2.COO 908 «*>
Itasra «... »» 1C6 IS 2.0o0 799 5
India * • • n U 27
Ttrsia . m 356 23 10.000 6,125 6C7
Arab Coast . Cwta. 1 4 4 18
Basra n 2 3 Tons. 1} 9 13 216
India 8 35
Peraia • Tons. 318 190 53 27,280 16,738 7,704
Arab Coast , Cwts. 112 153 264 183 244 474
Basra . 18 29
India 20 31
Tenia . U 75 83 •M 123 140
AC End* of Provisions—*
Arab Coast 354 235
Exsra • •• 128 693
India 1 116 1/920
Persia 224 89
••m 21 159
TediLn ind F&bri<
Cotton goods—
Aden Per 1000 Yds. 6
Arab Coast 207 220 162 66
India i* 27 } 82 2,667 3,000 2,600
Basra n •» t* 35 45 367 1,100 720
Benia ] 91 IS 146 467 J67 2,320
M ■ n 72J 60 592 967 667 9,480
^■*1 Cloth—
Aab Coast . Carts.
f^ra . 425 318 107 1,780 1^10 600
India 9t 120 128 • to 610 663
Benia ' ft S IN 24 11
#» 180 159 36 810 758 200